Deciding to go all in


Honeybee from Oxford
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 15
I wouldn't normally post something like this, I don't even use social media, but I promised myself I'd go all in and commit to improving my health and wellbeing and this seems like a good way to keep myself accountable, so hello!

I figure I should set out my goals to check I'm achieving them (or that they are achievable!)
1. Exercise (even if gentle/walking/stretching) everyday
2. Snacks can only be fruit or veg, no crisps/chocolates/biscuits! (The exception being the small bag of home-made Belgian chocolates I bought back from holiday - I can have one a day as a treat and will actively enjoy it!!)
3. Gratitude / selflessness journal daily

Starting on a Tuesday - lets do this


Honeybee from Oxford
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 15
You know what, having (lovely) strangers on the internet give me a bit of recognition and support is super helpful - I love it! Thank you guys for the warm welcome


First day yesterday went well, done my exercise for the morning and feeling great already, got to keep this up as I know from previous experience it gets harder just after the start


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 1,725
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Hello and welcome to the Hive! :hi:
This are great when you start because you have that "wow, aren't I good? I've started exercising" feeling, but then you start to lag, but if you keep going at that point, things pick up again as the habit kicks it (and all the Bees here are saying, hey, well done you!) and you start to see improvements. We're all here to help you keep going. :cool:


Honeybee from Oxford
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 15
Hello and welcome to the Hive! :hi:
This are great when you start because you have that "wow, aren't I good? I've started exercising" feeling, but then you start to lag, but if you keep going at that point, things pick up again as the habit kicks it (and all the Bees here are saying, hey, well done you!) and you start to see improvements. We're all here to help you keep going. :cool:
This is super encouraging and supportive thank you :thanks:


Honeybee from Oxford
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 15
Didn't manage to post the last two days but still going, even managed to still keep the routine up while staying at a friends house. Things are a bit emotionally heavy at the moment and I'm aware I'm using this new routine as a focus of having some control over my life, but I am also forgiving myself for small slip ups so I think it's ok as a coping mechanism! 6 days in and still going ok, got to work hard to keep it up over the next week around more unstable plans.


Honeybee from Oxford
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 15
Slipping a little bit but mostly because of visiting my partner's parents for a birthday celebration, so all things considered I think I can let myself off for that. Going to back back on track from now for the rest of the week, and mainly it's been eating that's let me down, still keeping the exercise up to a good extent.


Honeybee from Oxford
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 15
Not having a good day today, I've done exercise and eaten well so far, but my mood is in shatters. Feel a bit like I'm just going through the motions with life at the moment, unsure what to do with myself. It's at moments like this where I can feel myself freezing up, not wanting to slip into bad coping habits but unsure how to pull myself up so I just end up static and not being able to do anything. Anyone else ever get this and have a solution for it that works for them?


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 1,725
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Sorry to hear you're not having a good day. Do you have something that really relaxes you, that you love to do, that calms you and puts you in a better mental state? For me, it's jigsaw puzzles. I can lose myself in a good puzzle, blocking out all other thoughts, and when I finally resurface, I am much calmer. It's like meditation for me.
Alternately, perhaps you could, when you're in a better mental place, pick something to do when you lose yourself, something that will help rebalance you. Sort of like "when I feel like X, I shall do Y." With Y being anything - a hot bath, screaming into a pillow, punching same pillow - or a different one, up to you, anything that makes a change somehow.
But right now, here, have a


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,371
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
When I am a little down I do some light exercise, strictly only things I like and strictly nothing demanding, just to move some energy and then I always feel better even if at first I had little or nothing wanting :)
The same thing goes for whatever makes you feel better and does you good, I have a very sedentary life and therefore moving a little is always good for me and helps me to put some stagnant energy back into circulation.


Honeybee from Oxford
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 15
Sorry to hear you're not having a good day. Do you have something that really relaxes you, that you love to do, that calms you and puts you in a better mental state? For me, it's jigsaw puzzles. I can lose myself in a good puzzle, blocking out all other thoughts, and when I finally resurface, I am much calmer. It's like meditation for me.
Alternately, perhaps you could, when you're in a better mental place, pick something to do when you lose yourself, something that will help rebalance you. Sort of like "when I feel like X, I shall do Y." With Y being anything - a hot bath, screaming into a pillow, punching same pillow - or a different one, up to you, anything that makes a change somehow.
But right now, here, have a
Thanks for this, an excellent idea too I really like it, then I don't have to think too hard or be too imaginative in that moment, I can just do what I already agreed I would in that moment! I also LOVE jigsaws, so calming. Something about putting everything in it's correct position and turning chaos into order!
Thank you xxx


Honeybee from Oxford
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 15
When I am a little down I do some light exercise, strictly only things I like and strictly nothing demanding, just to move some energy and then I always feel better even if at first I had little or nothing wanting :)
The same thing goes for whatever makes you feel better and does you good, I have a very sedentary life and therefore moving a little is always good for me and helps me to put some stagnant energy back into circulation.
Yeh some gentle stretches would be a good idea as they always feel really good and make you feel more lose and free.
Thank you


Honeybee from Oxford
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 15
Thank you for all the support, it's been a really difficult few days because of something pretty awful that happened to my partner (online identity fraud related) and I had to try and be the "ok" one to help him through, but was running on reserves myself! But I think we're coming out the other side now. Exercised today for the first time in 4 days but it felt good and I am able to forgive myself for the lapses which normally I'd struggle to do. Really enjoying having this community / sounding board, it's a lot more helpful than I ever imagined so thank you xx


Honeybee from Oxford
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 15
This is me forgiving myself for the slower start than I'd normally like, but I have exercised and managed to push myself to work out during the workout.
I did it and that's all that matters. Moving on with my day now and I am not going to dwell on it being a later start. Or rather, when that thought arrives, I will dismiss it and be positive about achieving exercise when I thought I was going to struggle to get out of bed.


Honeybee from Oxford
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 15
I'd love to be one of those people who exercise first thing in the morning, but that's just not me. I'm okay with that. Stuff still gets done. As your stuff did. :tude:
I'm the exact opposite - If I don't do it first thing (before my brain can wake up and protest!!) it doesn't happen!!!
I'd love to be able to exercise any other times of the day haha!
But we each who we are and what works for us - works for us and that's the main thing!!!