January Releases

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Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
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I guess it's time to overload my bookmarks now. They are all interesting stuff. The Guardian Challenge's optional quest makes me want to roll some dice. I may have to build a Monk to face all those Goblins.

This is the greatest way to receive the new year! :fireworks:

E: Well, this is a well start for Bootcamp: 10 Burpees! Come on, don't hide them! :devil:


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Commando from Alberta
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"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. -Socrates"
Frustrated World Cup GIF

That push-and-pull challenge looks nasty


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from Venice, Italy
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Yay, thank you! I was just wandering what could I do after I finish Hard reset Cardio and Hard reset strength (since I don't do them everyday, it could take me a while but I will be there in a couple of weeks perhaps).
I'm also almost done with Fit december (last day tomorrow of course) and with the step up challenge, which I started a day later, so it will be done tomorrow too, and I need another good challenge.
Again, :thanks: for your hard work


Honeybee from Germany
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Posts: 15
The bootcamp challenge looks REALLY nice :love:. I interrupted my beautiful 1100 day running streak when I got covid in July. Since then I am constantly out of breath and stopped running. So consequently I am not in a good shape at the moment. Would you recommend adding other programs like the Add-Ons or even running to this one, or would you leave it as it is?


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from Hutchinson, KS
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Hi! Will there be a January specific challenge as well? I've been waiting to see if one would be released before picking another challenge. TIA!

Laura Rainbow Dragon

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Bard from Canada
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"Striving to be the change."
The bootcamp challenge looks REALLY nice :love:. I interrupted my beautiful 1100 day running streak when I got covid in July. Since then I am constantly out of breath and stopped running. So consequently I am not in a good shape at the moment. Would you recommend adding other programs like the Add-Ons or even running to this one, or would you leave it as it is?
@Madlen that is really up to you. The DAREBEE programs are designed to be good all-around programs to do just by themselves for the month (with the exception of the ones labelled as "add-ons") but you will find a lot of people around here do a program with additional stuff (or even more than one program at a time).

Pros of doing just Bootcamp alone:
  • it's a well-rounded program that will give you everything you need for general fitness training, particularly if you do the program at Level III and you give everything you've got to every exercise.
  • it's a 60-day workout plan all mapped out for you. You don't need to think, you just load up the program and do what it says for that day.
  • these are fast workouts. You can be done your entire workout for the day in 20 minutes or less (and it will have been a great workout if you did it at high intensity).
  • if you are not in great shape at the moment (or for others who may be new to exercising), Bootcamp alone is likely enough and sticking just with Bootcamp will make it less likely you'll suffer an overuse injury.
Pros of doing extra stuff alongside Bootcamp:
  • since you are an experienced runner you likely already know how much your body can handle w.r.t. running. This could be an ideal way to get back into running, ensuring you're doing a well-rounded program overall, and if the weather or your current fitness level or time constraints or anything else means you need to take a day off from running here and there, you'll still have something to do for that day already mapped out for you.
  • if the thought of doing 5 sets of the same exercises every day makes you want to run screaming for the hills, you could do Bootcamp on just Level I and still get a good, well-rounded workout with less boredom, and still have something left in the tank to do an additional, different, workout each day. (You'll find a lot of us Bees double up on programs + extra stuff for this reason, I think.)
  • if running is your main jam (or for others who specialize in some other aspect of fitness), your goal is not "general fitness" but rather excelling/improving in your main area while also maintaining/building a good level of well-rounded functional fitness, adding Bootcamp to your main squeeze would give you the best of both worlds
  • if your current fitness level is not balanced the same way DAREBEE programs presume the typical exerciser's fitness level is balanced, you may well want to do additional work in the area(s) in which you are strong. I too am a runner, and also a yogi. Typically I find that DAREBEE's lower body strength-training workouts are easy for me, but their upper-body strength-training workouts are hard. (A DAREBEE Level 5 lower body workout feels like Level 3 to me, but their Level 3 upper body workouts feel like Level 4 or even Level 5 if they include push-ups.) So I would often want to do extra work to pair with a DAREBEE lower body day, but not with an upper body day. (Bootcamp looks to be dumbbell based workouts for upper body strength however, which is more customizable to one's current strength level, since we can just use the weight of dumbbell that we need.)


Fae Posts: 9
Jumped right into both these programs when I saw them! (keeps me from having to do the difficulty 5 programs a bit longer :p )
Right now I have a light shoulder injury (overworked it doing volunteer work) so I pick the somewhat lighter days of the power hiit (with 3kg weights) and put aside the bootcamp for now (using 5kg weights there when asked for). But I will get right back on it again as soon as my shoulder is back to normal. Any day now! ;-) Yay for new programs!


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Mystic from R'lyeh
Posts: 90
"The wind breathes where it wills and you hear its sound, but you don’t know where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit"
At D22 of Boot camp, and it seems familiar....


I think I've done this before.... 🤔


Love the workout and glad to see it recycled here.

There are lots more good ones in the workouts database! You could put together an entire 30 day program using just the workouts there.
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