

Well-known member
Posts: 1,372
[Mon] November 14th
{challenges} 🎯
{first thing push-ups} D20
{power punch} D14 (1kg DBs)
{meditation} D14
{dead hang} D8
{back&shoulders} D2
[activity] 96% 🎯
[walking]4,1km walk
[steps in total] 15k
[PT exercises] 🎯
*spine rotation
hip/knee rotation
quad stretch or rolling
(S)reduced (N)ok (W)+0,3 (B/G)not really


Well-known member
Posts: 1,372
[Tue] November 15th
{challenges} (4/5)
{first thing push-ups} D21
{power punch} D15* (1kg DBs)
{dead hang} D9
{back&shoulders} D3
{meditation} -
[activity] 125%
[The Walk] episode 1
--- throughout my work day
I filmed a boulder I tried more than 10 times.
In the end it felt as easy as it looks, but the first few moves felt impossible in the beginning.
not the best quality, sorry for that.

Finisher on level 1 with 1 min rest
(10sec plank instead of push-ups)

[steps in total] 20k
[PT exercises] (2/3)
*spine rotation
quad stretch or rolling
[bass] lesson 25
(S)ok (N)ok (W)?? (B/G)done
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Posts: 1,372
@JCU @Mianevem @Anek @NancyTree

Well, I guess I am somewhat biased 🤣
It is really one of the boulders that build the essence of bouldering:
- There is the boulder problem, that looks hard but doable.
- The first few attempts, you feel like an i...t, one fail after another.
- You share ideas with your boulder buddy
- Then, suddenly togheter you start to work your way up to the top move by move.
- At one point you somehow know, it's time to link the moves.
-Bamm. Ascent, done! "Where was the problem again....?"

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Well-known member
Posts: 1,372
[Wed] November 16th
{challenges} 🎯
{first thing push-ups} D22
{power punch} D16* (1kg DBs)
{dead hang} D10
{back&shoulders} D4
{meditation} D15
[activity] 75% 🎯
[The Walk] episode 2
--- throughout my work day
[steps in total] 10k
[PT exercises] 🎯
*spine rotation
hip/knee rotation
quad stretch or rolling
[bass] lesson 25 🎯
[guitar] finger exercises 🎯
(S)very poorly (N)good (W)+-0 (B/G)done
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Posts: 1,372
Oh, I see you started the Walk! Have fun! 😊
Yeah, he's wearing Those Pants now!
I already did the episodes of the free version, but never did the step to subscribe to the "runner5" universe.
I am now thinking of it, cause I have/ want to start slowly after my back problems and having a common/minor cold for two weeks now.


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Posts: 1,372
[Thu] November 17th
vaccination day aka rest day
{challenges} combined (3/5)
{first thing push-ups} D23
{back&shoulders} D5
{dead hang} D11
❌ {power punch}
❌ {meditation}
[activity] 76% 🎯
[The Walk] episode 3
--- throughout my work day
[steps in total] 11k
[PT exercises] 1/3
❌ *spine rotation
❌hip/knee rotation
quad stretch or rolling
[bass] lesson 25 🎯
(S)Ok (N)Ok (W)-0,4 (B/G)done


Well-known member
Posts: 1,372
[Fri] November 18th
{challenges} combined ❌
Another rest day
[activity] 78% 🎯
[The Walk] episode 4
--- throughout my work day
[steps in total] 11k
[PT exercises] ❌
❌*spine rotation
❌hip/knee rotation
quad stretch or rolling
[bass] lesson 24 🎯
(S)good (N)chocolate (W)+0,1 (B/G)done


Well-known member
Posts: 1,372
[Sat] November 19th
{challenges} one workout 🎯
I went back a few days, to get the challenges back in order
{meditation} 15
{first thing push-ups} D22
{power punch} D16* (1,5kg DBs)
{dead hang} D10
{back&shoulders} D4
{meditation} 16
[activity] 86% 🎯
As my overall activity levels dropped,
i changed my goal from niveau 3 (very active) to 2 (moderate activity)
[The Walk] episode 4
--- throughout the day
[steps in total] 11k
[PT exercises] (2/3)
*spine rotation
❌ hip/knee rotation
quad stretch or rolling
[bass] ❌
(S) reduced (N)sweets (W)+0,7 (B/G)nope


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Posts: 1,372
[Daily Awareness 20.11.2022]
[Activity] ~92% (week avg.)
[Sleep] 196/315 (+3)
[Nutrition] 240/315 (+5)
[Weight] 92kg (avg.: 91.9kg)
[Bass/Guitar] 244/315 (+5)
--- [Piggy Bank Account] -17

[Sun] November 20th
{challenges} 🎯
{first thing push-ups} D23
{power punch} D17 (1kg DBs/double punches)
{dead hang} D11
{back&shoulders} D5
{meditation} D17
[activity] 65% 🎯
[walking] 3,4km walk
[steps in total] 14.5k
[PT exercises] (2/3)
*spine rotation
❌ hip/knee rotation
quad stretch or rolling
[bass] lesson 25 🎯
(S)poorly (N)ok (W)-0,1 (B/G)done


Well-known member
Posts: 1,372
[Mon] November 21st
{challenges} 🎯
{first thing push-ups} D24
{power punch} D18 (1kg DBs)
{dead hang} D12
{back&shoulders} D6
{meditation} D18
[activity] 125% 🎯
[The Walk] episode 5
--- throughout my work day
[steps in total] ~16k
[PT exercises] 🎯
*spine rotation
hip/knee rotation
quad stretch or rolling
(S)poorly (N)sweets (W)+0,6 (B/G)no


Well-known member
Posts: 1,372
[Tue] 22.11.22 (what a great date)
{challenges} 🎯 (30min)
{first thing push-ups} D25
{power punch} D19* (1kg DBs/double punches)
{dead hang} D13
{back&shoulders} D7
{daily squats} D1
{meditation} D19
{going to bed in time} D1
-Lvl1 before midnight
-Raising the bar (15min) every 6 days
[activity] ~175% 🎯
[The Walk] episode 6
--- 2,6 km morning walk (25min)
--- throughout my work day
[steps in total] ~22.5k
[PT exercises] 🎯
*spine rotation
hip/knee rotation
quad stretch or rolling
[bass] lesson 26 🎯
(S)reduced (N)gingerbread (W)forgot (B/G)done
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Well-known member
Posts: 1,372
November 23rd – 25th
{challenges} 🎯🎯🎯
{first thing push-ups} D26-28
{power punch} D20-22 (1kg DBs)
{dead hang} D14-16
{back&shoulders} D8-10
{daily squats} D2-4
{meditation} D20-22
{going to bed in time} D2-4
[activity] 173/132/200% 🎯🎯🎯
[The Walk] challenge 2/ episode 7-8
--- throughout my work day
24th: 3km walk
25th: 8 km walk’n’run
Kinda back in the running game!
--- Zombie’s, Run! 5k: Induction
--- Zombie’s, Run! 5k: W1D1
----added two flex hangs (30/10s) and 10 bicep curls on a nearby pullup-bar
[steps in total] 15k/18k/20
[PT exercises] 🎯🎯🎯
*spine rotation
hip/knee rotation
quad stretch or rolling
[bass] lesson 26 🎯🎯🎯
(S)good (N)nah, but not too bad (W)+0,5 (B/G)done


Well-known member
Posts: 1,372
[Sat] November 26th
{challenges} 🎯
{first thing push-ups} D29
{daily squats} D5
{dead hang} D17
{power punch} D23* (1,5kg DBs)
{back&shoulders} D11
{meditation} 17
{going to bed in time} D5
[activity] 105% 🎯
[steps in total] 13k
[PT exercises] 🎯
*spine rotation
hip/knee rotation
quad stretch or rolling
[bass] ~3h band practice 🎯
(S)good (N)ok (W)+0,1 (B/G)done


Well-known member
Posts: 1,372
[Sun] November 27th
{challenges} 🎯
{first thing push-ups} D30 ✔️ 🤘
{daily squats} D5
{power punch} D24 (1kg DB)
{dead hang} D18
{back&shoulders} D12
{meditation} 18
{going to bed in time} D6
[activity] 180% 🎯
[running]7 km (less) walk ’n’ (more) run
--- Zombie’s, Run! 5k: W1D2
I am going to adapt the drills to my needs. I will run slowly when it says walking and I will run faster when it says running. When I feel like it, I will extend the free form runs.
[TheWalk] Challenge 3
Did the 5-minute-walk workout to finish it in front of zhe TV
[steps in total] 19k
[PT exercises] 🎯
*spine rotation
hip/knee rotation
quad stretch or rolling
[bass] lesson 26 🎯
(S)poorly (N)ok (W)-1,1 (B/G)done


Well-known member
Posts: 1,372
[Mon] November 28th
{challenges} 🎯
{daily push-ups} D1
{daily squats} D7
{dead hang} D19
{power punch} D25* (1,5kg DBs)
{back&shoulders} D13
{meditation} D25
{going to bed in time} D7
[activity] 140% 🎯
[The Walk] challenge 3
--- throughout my work day
[steps in total] ~17k
[PT exercises] 🎯
*spine rotation
hip/knee rotation
quad stretch or rolling
[bass] lesson 27 🎯
(S)poorly (N)ok (W)+0,2 (B/G)done

[Tue] November 22nd

{daily push-ups} D2
{daily squats} D8
{dead hang} D20
{power punch} D26* (1,5kg DBs)
{back&shoulders} D14
{meditation} D27
{going to bed in time} D9
[activity] ~110% 🎯
[The Walk] episode 9
--- throughout my work day
[bouldering] 2h session
--- a good one , did a bunch of hard moves
--- finished with a few one handed wall ball (5kg) and overhead presses
--- 8reps bench press (50kg)
--- then I had a "kind of stupid idea" and did barbell deadlifts 1* 50kg, 1*80kg, 2*70kg, 4*60k, 4*50kg. Why stupid, you ask? Cause I strained my traps... There will be a lott of heatpacking today...
[steps in total] ~13k
[PT exercises] 🎯
*spine rotation
❌ hip/knee rotation
❌ quad stretch or rolling
[bass] lesson 27 🎯
(S)good (N)cake’n‘ sweets (W)-0,4 (B/G)done


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Posts: 1,372
[Wed] November 30th
I already decided to do a rest day, well I did not…
It wasn’t comfortable, but a manageable pain.
I did adapt the execises (less speedy punches, and knee push-ups in the end.)
Thanks for al your vibes, it's definitely getting better.
{challenges} 🎯
{daily push-ups} D3
{daily squats} D9
{dead hang} D21
{power punch} D27* (1kg DBs/double punches)
{back&shoulders} D15
{meditation} D27
{going to bed in time} D9
[activity] 110% 🎯
[steps in total] ~12k
[PT exercises] (1/3)
*spine rotation
❌hip/knee rotation
❌quad stretch or rolling
[bass] lesson 27 🎯
(S)bad (N)sweets (W)-0,4 (B/G)done
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Well-known member
Posts: 1,372
[Sat] December 3rd
{challenges} 🎯
{power punch} D30 ✔️ 🤘
{daily push-ups} D6
{daily squats} D12
{back&shoulders} D18
{dead hang} D24
--- not in one go
--- I am going to finishe this challenge as good a possible, but I will restart it, once I am „done“ to claim the badge.
{meditation} D30 ✔️ 🤘
{going to bed in time} D12
[activity] 125% 🎯
[steps in total] ~16k
[PT exercises] (1/3)
*spine rotation
❌ hip/knee rotation
❌ quad stretch or rolling
[bass] lesson 27 🎯
(S)good (N)too much sweet stuff (W)+0,8 (B/G)done