2022 Fitness Recap:
It was a rough year, there where a lot of ups and downs. I was focused on running and it was fun. I wrote a summary back in August. I’ll copy'n'paste it here, in case you are interested:
1 year ago I restarted running, a "discipline" I did not think I would do ever again... but never say never!
Since then, I ran 661km in 104 runs. My longest run was 15km and the fastest runs were a 5k in 24:50 and 10k in 56:15. At the moment running is indeed my main activity with a weekly distance around 25km.
I also did two charity runs. For the first one I ran 7,5km against racism and the for second one I ran 26,6 km in 2 runs over 3 days to support cancer research.
One great thing about running, in my opinion is, the way I explore the world. I already found a few places, I would have never seen, without running. And... I think there's more to come! Let's see where the second year as a runner will lead me! Literally and figuratively!
Nothing big happend after that. Oh, wait.... I started to run with the Zombie's?Run! App, what is a good motivation.
In 2023 there were three major setbacks: A common cold in early February, Covid in April and the biggest issue: backpain during September, directly followed by a cold… which more ore less goes on till today…
After the breaks in Feb and April I recovered well, so I assume it will be the same for ongoing situation.
Here is a screenshot of my strava progression:
Still, I had a lot more goals/targets/milestones on my plan. Could not complete a lot of them, but lets have a closer look:
[running] 14th of May: run a 10k race…
Due to Covid, I had to postpone and shorten the „race“ and change to a charity run. I did a +10k run 22 times during 2022, which is infact a cool coincidence. So I am calling it „achieved“

Pace milestones:
[running] 10k under 60min 
[running] 5k under 25min 
[weight/nutrition] get under 90kg
My weight went down throughout the year. But it is around 92 for a while now… I am on my way with that one. A little less sweets might do the trick… to break the plateau…
An 2022 overview: 92.4 kg is the average of december...
[Calisthenics] strength and skills
get back to where I was...and further...
I neglected that part of my training, I was still bouldering and did a few workouts here and there, but it was maintenance at most… I want to pick that one up again in 2023.
[Daily Awareness – 2022 Summary]
[Activity] 121%
Definitely a hit.
[Nutrition] 74% 
I am ok with that one.
[Sleep] 60%
I am not satisfied with that. A good night‘s sleep has to be a priority in 2023
[Weight] -2,5 kg in one year
Does not seem a lot, but I started to track in 10/2021 @100kg… so to be steady around 92-93 is definitely an accomplishment.
[Bass/Guitar] 79% 
Starting to play bass was and still is a lot of fun. I am almost done with my first book of lessons…
[(B/G)Piggy Bank] "Account" is at 55 coins
Earned coins and bought a few nice things!
In the end I struggled a lot, but I did also learn a lot in 2022. And that's what live is about, right?