At the break of dawn


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,687
@JCU @CODawn @Anek Thanks!

Monday October 10th
World Mental Health Day, I made myself a hot chocolate [secret]with a dash of Bailey's Salted Caramel [/secret], yummie!
▪️  Basics Foundation Light , day 17, lvl 3+, 30 sec rest between sets

Steps today: 5631

Goals progress
🙂 Exercise 7 days (1/7)
▪️ Practice push ups twice a week (0/2)
▪️ Practice pull ups twice a week (0/2)
🙂 5.000 steps a day (1/7)

Self care
🙂 Healthy dinner 5 times a week (1/5).
▪️ Reasonable snacks 5 times a week (0/5)
▪️ Going to bed in time 5 times a week (0/5)
🙂 Doing something to wind down 5 times a week (1/5)
▪️ Getting 2 chores done (0/2)

Exercise streak: 199 days
Step streak: 25 days


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,687
Tuesday October 11th
Basics Foundation Light , day 18, lvl 2+, 30 sec rest and lvl 2: 5.5 kg dumbbell on the squats, 2x2 kg dumbbell on the arm exercises
▪️  Program Back&Core, day 14.
▪️  Yoga 30 days of yoga, day 16

Steps today: 5881

Goals progress
🙂 Exercise 7 days (2/7)
▪️ Practice push ups twice a week (0/2)
▪️ Practice pull ups twice a week (0/2)
🙂 5.000 steps a day (2/7)

Self care
🙂 Healthy dinner 5 times a week (2/5).
▪️ Reasonable snacks 5 times a week (0/5)
▪️ Going to bed in time 5 times a week (0/5)
▪️ Doing something to wind down 5 times a week (1/5)
▪️ Getting 2 chores done (0/2)

Exercise streak: 200 days
Step streak: 26 days


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,687
@Froud @CODawn @Anek @Fremen @Montserrat @Sif_Shepard @SkorpionUK thank you all! At first I didn't find it a big deal, but now I realise I'm past halfway the 1 year badge!

Wednesday October 12th
I ran 30 minutes today! Not in 1 go yet, but 30 minutes nonetheless!
My achilles was nagging a bit, but I realised I was just running too fast (while trying to improve my running form with short and fast steps), so I slowed down and it was fine.
▪️  Walk 1.06 km
▪️  Run 3x10 min, 2 min rest
▪️  Basics Foundation Light, day 19, lvl 1
▪️  Program Back&Core, day 15, balance
▪️  Yoga 30 days of Yoga, day 17

Steps today: 9825

Goals progress
🙂 Exercise 7 days (3/7)
▪️ Practice push ups twice a week (0/2)
▪️ Practice pull ups twice a week (0/2)
🙂 5.000 steps a day (3/7)

Self care
🙂 Healthy dinner 5 times a week (3/5).
▪️ Reasonable snacks 5 times a week (0/5)
🙂 Going to bed in time 5 times a week (1/5)
▪️ Doing something to wind down 5 times a week (1/5)
🙂 Getting 2 chores done (2/2)

Exercise streak: 201 days
Step streak: 27 days

It was so beautiful today! I went to another part of the national park, with forest, grassy fields and sandy fields. I was mostly running through the grass part, so no pictures of that.

The first part with forest, you also see some grass already


The sandy part




Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,687
@Montserrat @JCU @CODawn @Mianevem @Anek thanks! :ss:

@huma thank you :thanks:

Thursday October 14th
Aweful day, crying at work, feeling drained and upset and overwhelmed... will explain more in my next post, because today (Friday) it had a 'sequel'
▪️  Basics Foundation Light, day 20, lvl 1. I was happy that I lured myself into doing a workout. Couldn't get myself to do lvl 3, but now I see lvl 3 was only 2 sets extra. Oh well. I did something at least, and something more
▪️  Program Back&Core, day 16
▪️  Yoga 30 days of yoga, day 18, 10 min meditation

Steps today: just over 5000

Goals progress
🙂 Exercise 7 days (4/7)
▪️ Practice push ups twice a week (0/2)
▪️ Practice pull ups twice a week (0/2)
🙂 5.000 steps a day (4/7)

Self care
▪️ Healthy dinner 5 times a week (3/5).
🙂 Reasonable snacks 5 times a week (1/5)
🙂 Going to bed in time 5 times a week (1/5)
▪️ Doing something to wind down 5 times a week (1/5)
▪️ Getting 2 chores done (2/2)

Exercise streak: 202 days
Step streak: 28 days


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,687
@Anek @CODawn @Sif_Shepard @JCU @Montserrat
@Fremen :thanks:

Friday October 14th
Okay.. the story of the last two days.

A collegue told me she was hurt deeply by something I had said a few days before (in a meeting she couldn't hear everything that was said because it was a bit noisy, so I suggested a hearing aid, and told about a friend who is a hearing care professional and that she told about how she could set up the hearing aid to specific purpose and needs). She found it very offensive (while I sincerely wanted to help). And she told me I've been very unkind to others, creating an unsafe environment, especially for the interns, that nobody dared to speak up in meetings, in particular F, that he's defeated, and another will run away soon... So I got really upset, because that's not my intention at all. And I felt aweful, because our new intern (Z.) told me about his experience with an unsafe supervisor with his previous internship, and I wanted to give him another Good experience, giving him the opportunity to learn..

So yesterday I asked another colleague (N.) how she feels about working with me. She recognised me being hard to have a discussion with, because I don't listen always to other views. But she doesn't feel unsafe or suppressed or anything.

Today I apologised to F, for my behavior. And he was sincerely surprised, he had no clue what I was talking about. I asked him how he felt, and he said he didn't find me unkind at all. The only thing he didn't like, was me 'nitpicking' and once or twice I reacted a bit harsh on something he did on his own and I disagreed, and yes it made him feel like he had to check everything with me before doing. But it wasn't a big deal for him, he didn't feel afraid to speak up at all. So I promised I would try to ask him why he did something instead of just saying I want it differently. And I would save the nitpicking for when we speak privately instead of in the meetings.
I was releaved he wasn't affected as much as my colleage said yesterday.

At last I spoke with our newest intern Z, and he felt totally safe, he had a completely different experience (positive), he didn't feel suppressed, he was happy he felt totally accepted and part of the team, dared to ask questions and his questions are taken seriously. So he also had no idea what I was talking about.

So, I am happy that I turn out not being a complete bitch. And getting feedback is never wrong, but the way my colleague presented it to me was really unnecessary.
But, I have a bit of work to do on me slowing down instead of responding too quickly. So, maybe I have to add mandatory mindfullness to my schedule.

Well, I'm drained now.

Edit: the best part of today was when I came home, Pico was already waiting underneath another car, to chaperone me home :love:

▪️  Walk 3.86 km around the village (it was already dark after coming home), my watch had a dead battery, even though I charged it yesterday evening; apparently it didn't charge.. so had to do a walk to get my step goal officially...
▪️  Yoga 30 days of yoga, day 19.

Steps today: 6218 (it will be more like 9000)

Goals progress
🙂 Exercise 7 days (5/7)
▪️ Practice push ups twice a week (0/2)
▪️ Practice pull ups twice a week (0/2)
🙂 5.000 steps a day (5/7)

Self care
▪️ Healthy dinner 5 times a week (3/5).
🙂 Reasonable snacks 5 times a week (2/5)
Going to bed in time 5 times a week (1/5)
▪️ Doing something to wind down 5 times a week (1/5)
▪️ Getting 2 chores done (2/2)

Exercise streak: 203 days
Step streak: 29 days
Last edited:


Well-known member
from germany
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 657
So, maybe I have to add mandatory mindfullness to my schedule.
And maybe you need to not put too much weight on the complaints of your colleague. Okay, you obviously stepped on her toes but it seems a bit unfair of her to bring up all the other cases who have nothing to do with her issue with you. I'd say it's great that you reached out to the others and their feedback seems pretty positive about you. Stay yourself. I'm pretty sure you are a great colleague to work with.


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,565
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
What I read between the lines is that you did everything possible to make sure your behavior wasn't really a problem.
It's a useful check to do sometimes but it doesn't really imply there's a real problem.
We can decide how to react to what they do to us but we cannot decide what others do to us.
And in any case :love:


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,687
@CODawn thank you :love:
@Fremen thanks :flowers:
@TopNotch :thanks: it was hard, because all I wanted was to hide underneath my blanket, but it's the only way to get it fixed

Saturday October 15th
I had a really good day: went out for lunch with 2 friends, and in the evening my oncle made me dinner after which we went to a concert together. 😊 that was a welcome contradiction to the negativity this week.
▪️  Walk 1.33 km
▪️  Run 2x15 min :move:, 2 min rest.

Steps today: app 15000

Goals progress
🙂 Exercise 7 days (6/7)
▪️ Practice push ups twice a week (0/2)
▪️ Practice pull ups twice a week (0/2)
🙂 5.000 steps a day (6/7)

Self care
🙂 Healthy dinner 5 times a week (5/5).
🙂 Reasonable snacks 5 times a week (3/5)
▪️ Going to bed in time 5 times a week (1/5)
🙂 Doing something to wind down 5 times a week (2/5)
▪️ Getting 2 chores done (2/2)

Exercise streak: 204 days
Step streak: 30 days
Last edited:


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,687
Sunday October 16th
I am pretty tired but dragged myself out of the house for a hike in the forest. It was a sunny day, so not an option to stay on the couch inside. It was a good choice, though all the crouching for mushroom pictures wasn't something my achilles liked. So I skipped my workouts and yoga again because planking would be too much, and will pick that up again tomorrow.
I'm a bit scared to go to work tomorrow. I will see my upset colleague again, not sure how that will go
▪️  Hike 5.97 km

Steps today: 10119

Goals progress
🙂 Exercise 7 days (7/7)
▪️ Practice push ups twice a week (0/2)
▪️ Practice pull ups twice a week (0/2)
🙂 5.000 steps a day (7/7)

Self care
🙂 Healthy dinner 5 times a week (6/5).
▪️ Reasonable snacks 5 times a week (3/5)
🙂 Going to bed in time 5 times a week (2/5)
🙂 Doing something to wind down 5 times a week (3/5)
🙂 Getting 2 chores done (3/2)

Exercise streak: 205 days
Step streak: 31 days








Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,169
"Striving to be the change."
Gorgeous photos, as always, NancyTree!

Kudos to you for going directly to your interns and not just believing the hearsay from your one upset colleague. I'm sure they will appreciate that you spoke with them directly and obviously care that they are having a positive experience at work.

Re: your hard-of-hearing colleague: you tried to help, and it backfired. All you can do with that is apologize and move on. Some people are overly sensitive about these things. But that's not on you.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,687
@JCU @CODawn thank you!
@Mianevem thanks! 😊
@Laura Rainbow Dragon :thanks: I know the subject can be sensitive, and it's okay she let me know it obviously is for her. But her expanding it to this level to other people makes  me feel unsafe. Apparently she had talked about it with others, telling me there are gossips about it, but I think she makes the gossip, because the others didn't know anything about it.

@Fremen it was, kind of. She said we are okay, but I don't feel okay yet. Was a bit cautious around her.

Monday October 17th
(For me) a lot of planking
▪️  Basics Foundation Light, day 21, lvl 3+, 30 sec rest
▪️  Program Back&Core, day 17. Planking
▪️  Yoga 30 days of yoga, day 20, planking. No 4 was killing :flat:

Steps today: 5313

Goals progress
🙂 Exercise 7 days (1/7)
▪️ Practice push ups twice a week (0/2)
▪️ Practice pull ups twice a week (0/2)
🙂 5.000 steps a day (1/7)

Self care
🙂 Healthy dinner 5 times a week (1/5).
▪️ Reasonable snacks 5 times a week (0/5) / I ate too much of my home made chocolate mousse with a splash of Bailey's Salted Caramel, it is só good
🙂 Going to bed in time 5 times a week (1/5)
🙂 Doing something to wind down 5 times a week (1/5)
▪️ Getting 2 chores done (0/2)

Exercise streak: 206 days
Step streak: 32 days

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,169
"Striving to be the change."
But her expanding it to this level to other people makes  me feel unsafe. Apparently she had talked about it with others, telling me there are gossips about it, but I think she makes the gossip, because the others didn't know anything about it.

For sure the lies she told about other people were not okay. But now that you know she does that, you can protect yourself in the future: discount anything she says about other people, and go to them directly with any potential concerns. (Which you did this time and is always a good idea in any case.)

I have a neighbour who is like that. The whole street is very gossipy--I live in a very small town, and everyone is up in everyone else's business a lot more than I am used to from other places I have lived--but this one person can be quite nasty about it. She once told me no one on our street likes me. (To which I thought, "Project much?") Then she told me nobody likes my "orange dog." (A bizarre claim. Trudy is the friendliest dog in the neighbourhood. Almost everybody loves her!) She has even told me lies about myself--like literally told me things I have supposedly said and done which I know are untrue because I am the person who didn't say or do them! I understand your unease around your colleague. My neighbour sure isn't fun to be around either. But mostly I just feel sorry for her for being so messed up that she acts the way she does.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,687
@Laura Rainbow Dragon ough, having such neighbor seems even more uneasy to me. I only have to deal with my colleague 3 times a week.

Tuesday October 18th
Today was the weekly meeting about which my colleague said I created an unsafe environment. So I asked her afterwards what she thought, and the verdict was "chaotic". I can live with that.
▪️  Hike 2.51 km. After work, last sunshine of the day
▪️  Basics Foundation Light, day 22, lvl 3+. 30 sec rest and 2x2 kg ankle weights
▪️  Program Back&Core, day 18, stretching
▪️  Yoga 30 days of yoga, day 21, 15 minutes meditation

Steps today: 7152

Goals progress
🙂 Exercise 7 days (2/7)
▪️ Practice push ups twice a week (0/2)
▪️ Practice pull ups twice a week (0/2)
🙂 5.000 steps a day (2/7)

Self care
▪️ Healthy dinner 5 times a week (1/5).
▪️ Reasonable snacks 5 times a week (0/5) Last bit of the home made chocolate mousse
▪️ Going to bed in time 5 times a week (1/5)
▪️ Doing something to wind down 5 times a week (1/5)
▪️ Getting 2 chores done (0/2)

Exercise streak: 207 days
Step streak: 33 days


Well-known member
Valkyrie from Budapest, Hungary
Posts: 1,099
It's great that you don't let yourself being talked into doubts but confront the problem head on, by facing your colleague openly and asking her her opinion instead of just complaining to yourself or--on the other end of the spectrum--lashing out at her. In my opinion, this is the most effective way to counteract malicious gossip. :happy:

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,169
"Striving to be the change."
@Laura Rainbow Dragon ough, having such neighbor seems even more uneasy to me. I only have to deal with my colleague 3 times a week.

Well, I don't like her much. But that's mostly because she neglects her dogs to an extent which I think is abusive. (Local laws think so too, but they are unfortunately not well-enforced.) This same person also told me that the condensation trails which airplanes leave behind are actually biological agents being sprayed on us against our will by the government which is conducting illegal experiments on us. So it's not exactly difficult to discount whatever she says.

Kudos to you for your professional handling of your challenging colleague.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,687
@Mianevem thank you :thanks: it costs me a lot of strength, but I think too it's the healthiest way
@Laura Rainbow Dragon thank you :flowers: and I'm sorry about your neighbor's way of handling her dog... I can imagine it being hard to see.

Wednesday October 19th
A bit of a weird day. Woke up, felt pretty good, a lot of energy. But after my piano lesson, I felt like I wanted to go to sleep. Though I had a lot of plans of going to the garden center, diing some grocery shopping, some chores at home and stuff. Instead I just went home and layed down on the couch. I still had trouble giving in, but ended up sleeping for 3 hours. I woke up with a headache, so I hope I won't get ill or anything..
▪️  Walk 1.11 km, warming up
▪️  Run 3x10 min, 2 min rest. My achilles feels good again, until I was walking for cooling down and stumbled over a branch that hit my achilles. :break:
▪️  Basics Foundation Light, day 23, lvl 2+. 30 sec rest, and lvl 2: full squats with 5.5 kg dumbbell and arms exercises with 2x2 kg dumbbells
▪️  Yoga 30 days of yoga, day 22

Steps today: 9800

Goals progress
🙂 Exercise 7 days (3/7)
▪️ Practice push ups twice a week (0/2)
▪️ Practice pull ups twice a week (0/2)
🙂 5.000 steps a day (3/7)

Self care
▪️ Healthy dinner 5 times a week (1/5).
▪️ Reasonable snacks 5 times a week (0/5)
🙂 Going to bed in time 5 times a week (2/5)
🙂 Doing something to wind down 5 times a week (2/5)
🙂 Getting 2 chores done (1/2)

Exercise streak: 208 days
Step streak: 34 days


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,687
@JCU thanks! For now it seems okay

Thursday October 20th
Crazy busy day at work. Afyer getting home, I made a walk through the neighborhood with Pico 🥰.
Then I opened a package that had been delivered, and it turned out to be an early birthday present from my sister (and her family) :heart:

▪️  Basics Foundation Light , day 24, lvl 3+. 45 sec rest and blck mini band
▪️  Program Back&Core, day 19. Another plank day.
▪️  Yoga 30 days of Yoga, day 23

Steps today: 5588

Goals progress
🙂 Exercise 7 days (4/7)
▪️ Practice push ups twice a week (0/2)
▪️ Practice pull ups twice a week (0/2)
🙂 5.000 steps a day (4/7)

Self care
🙂 Healthy dinner 5 times a week (2/5).
▪️ Reasonable snacks 5 times a week (0/5)
🙂 Going to bed in time 5 times a week (3/5)
🙂 Doing something to wind down 5 times a week (3/5)
▪️ Getting 2 chores done (1/2)

Exercise streak: 209 days
Step streak: 35 days

Pico likes it too ;)
