Day One


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 275
Day Thirty-Six: Thursday 27/10/2022
Water First Thing 30-day challenge: Day 15 - Done. Despite being woken up by my son in considerable discomfort.

A day at home looking after my son. "Cellulitis of the periorbital region" is how the doctor described it on the hospital forms. The swelling appeared worse but over the course of the day things picked up and he became a bit more active. Despite suggestions that he should go back to the hospital immediately, I decided to wait until the drugs had started working and by mid-morning he was feeling a lot better, still swollen but at least feeling more human. Eating was still an issue but things were looking up, albeit slightly.

After he went to bed I knocked out a few of the daily activities just to keep my blood flowing.

Daily Kicks 30-day challenge: Day 27 - Done
Baseline program: Day 6 - Done at Level III
Exercise of the Day (26/10/2022): 40 Deadlift with Twists - Done
Office Friendly Posture 30-day challenge: Day 22 - Done
Power Grip 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 275
Thanks @TopNotch , oddly enough he was complaining of sore teeth on Tuesday evening then the next thing I know his upper cheek had puffed up accompanied by bruising. Anyway the official diagnosis was "Cellulitis of the Periorbital Region" which he apparently had four years ago but I don't recall it. Dr Google says is quite common and cause by some sort of bacterial infection. Whatever it is I hope the antibiotics take care of it soon.


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 275
Day Thirty-Seven: Friday 28/10/2022
Water First Thing 30-day challenge: Day 16 - Done. Again my son came in complaining of discomfort. I suspected the poor kid had been sleeping on his sore side and his body woke him up to stop it. Anyway a dose of paracetamol and back to bed. By the time I had to leave for work, he was well out of it.

Back to work today and with limited staff on, its going to be a busy one. I have a bit to catch up one work-wise and exercise-wise so I hope I can squeeze it all in.

A good start to the morning between phone calls.
Daily Kicks 30-day challenge: Day 28 - Done
Power Grip 30-day challenge: Day 7 - Done
Exercise of the Day (27/10/2022): 15 Tricep Extensions - Done
Jump! workout - Done.

AM Gym Session
Quick Warmup
Baseline program: Day 5 - Done at Level III
Workout of the Day (27/10/2022): Andromeda - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Workout of the Day (26/10/2022): Wildfire - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Hybrid Routine 2.0 Friday - Level #1 Wall Pull-Ups - Done at Level II 2 sets of 50 & Level #1 Jackknife Squats - Done at Level II 2 sets of 25.

And finish up work early because my son has had to go back to hospital and now they're admitting him.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 275
Thank you @NancyTree and @Montserrat . Its been a rough couple of days.

Day Thirty-Eight: Saturday 29/10/2022
Water First Thing 30-day challenge: Day 17 - Done

SO much has happened since I last updated less than 24 hours ago. My son went to a different hospital yesterday from the one I took him to on Tuesday. St George Hospital was chaotic and only just got him a bed in Paedeatric Emergency Department. After several hours they did a CAT scan and it revealed that the first hospital was totally wrong in its diagnosis and he has an absess in a tooth root that has gone bad and that is causing the swelling and pain. Bad news is they couldn't operate on him that night as they don't have a night surgeon but the Sydney Children's Hospital does so how about get him over there and they can get to work on him....

A couple hours later... I got him to Sydney Children's Hospital and they were ready to receive him but no bed for him. Then the radiographer decided he didn't want to x-ray my son as he'd just had a CAT scan but the surgeon wanted an x-ray. Fast forward to this morning. Surgeon won out and the radiographer finally gave in an got the x-ray. Then the waiting for operating theatre space. As at 2pm we are a go.

Oh yeah, exercise for me.
Office Friendly Posture 30-day challenge: Day 23 (didn't get to finish it last night for some reason)
Office Friendly Posture 30-day challenge: Day 24
Baseline program: Day 8 - Done at Level III
Power Grip 30-day challenge: Day 8 - Done
Daily Kicks 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done
Haunted Hive Event: 200 punches
Exercise of the Day (28/10/2022): 40 W-Extensions - Done

and now the waiting to see how the surgery went.


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 275
Thank you @JCU , @NancyTree , @TopNotch ,@JohnStrong , @Montserrat , @Froud and all the others that have sent their healing vibes and warm wishes. My little fella is out of hospital and back home again. Three hospitals in four days is not fun, nor is surgery of any type. He'll bounce back is already asking for comfort food. Not sure he'll get his jaws around a burger but other foods will do in the mean time.

Backcapturing Day Thirty-Nine: Sunday 30/10/2022
Water First Thing 30-day challenge: Day 18 - Done
Daily Kicks 30-day challenge: Day 30 - Done and challenge completed, also done to contribute towards the Halloween Defend The Hive event.
Office Friendly Posture 30-day challenge: Day 25 - Done
Power Grip 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done.

Day Forty: Monday 31/10/2022
Water First Thing 30-day challenge: Day 19 - Done
2.00 km walk taking my daughter to school and stop for coffee on the way back home.
Power Grip 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done
Office Friendly Posture 30-day challenge: Day 26 - Done
Baseline program: Day 9 - Done at Level III
Exercise of the Day (29/10/2022): 20 Jump Squats - Done
Exercise of the Day (30/10/2022): 50 Heel Taps - Done
200 Jumping Jacks - Done as the next wave for the Defend the Hive Halloween Event
Baseline program: Day 10 - Done at Level III


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 275
Thank you @TopNotch , @Fremen , @irina_bu , @Froud , @NancyTree ,@JCU , @Lady Celerity , and @BetaCorvi . Thank you all for the support especially during tough times.

Day Forty-One: Tuesday 1/11/2022
Water First Thing 30-day challenge: Day 20 - Done

A day at home making sure everyone has enough rest and recovery for me to head back to work tomorrow.

Power Grip 30-day challenge: Day 11 - Done
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done
1.78 km walk taking the little one to school and home via the shops to pick a few things to make my son some comfort food (Mac & Cheese) and of course some much needed coffee thanks to the Little Pony Espresso for keeping me caffeinated.
Exercise of the Day (31/10/2022): 2 Minutes Bicep Extensions - Done
Workout of the Day (28/10/2022): Armor Abs - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Baseline program: Day 11 - Done at Level III
Workout of the Day (31/10/2022): Candy Crusher - Done with Extra Credit (3 sets) until I realised this Workout of the Day was not the same as the PDF which I Chromecast onto the tv. So I started all over again, this time doing the 40 Jumping Jacks and 40 High Knees each time for a total of 10 sets with Extra Credit which absolutely nailed me.

Evening activity
Office Friendly Posture 30-day challenge: Day 27 - Done


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 275
Day Forty-Two: Wednesday 2/11/2022
Water First Thing 30-day challenge: Day 21 - Done

PM Gym Session
Quick Warmup
Exercise of the Day (1/11/2022): 3 Minutes High Knees - Done
Power Grip 30-day challenge: Day 12 - Done
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done
Office Friendly Posture 30-day challenge: Day 28 - Done
Baseline program: Day 12 - Done at Level III
Workout of the Day (1/11/2022): Bounceback - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Back to Fit program: Day 23 Cardio Circuit - (5 sets x 5 minutes - 2 Minutes Treadmill Walk @ 5.6 km/h + 2 Minutes Treadmill Jog @ 7.6 km/h + 1 Minute Treadmill Run @ 9.6 km/h) - 3.00 km in 25:00 minutes


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 275
Day Forty-Three: Thursday 3/11/2022
Water First Thing 30-day challenge: Day 22 - Done

AM Gym Session
Quick Warmup
Baseline program: Day 13 - Done at Level III
Exercise of the Day (2/11/2022): 60 Seconds Elbow Plank Raised Arm Hold - Done
Back to Fit program: Day 24 Lower Body Circuit - Done. 5 Rounds of 5 exercises with each doing 10 reps. First round light as warmup. Dumbbell Squats, Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts, more Dumbbell Squats, Single Leg Dumbbell Squats (each leg) then more Dumbbell Squats. I used 7kg dumbbells to start and moved up to 10kg dumbbells for the remaining sets. I also upped the elevation to a 10kg plate (about 1") for the squats.
Power Grip 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done
Workout of the Day (2/11/2022): Corrector - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done
Hybrid Routine 2.0 Thursday (Push-Ups & Leg Raises) - Done both at the Level 1 Exercise for each (Wall Push-Ups and Knee Raises) and Push-Ups at Level 3 (3 sets of 50) and Leg Raises at Level 2 (2 set of 20).

Office Friendly Posture 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 275
Day Forty-Four: Friday 4/11/2022
Water First Thing 30-days challenge: Day 23 - Done but nearly forgot. It should nearly be a habit by now but fortunately remembered in my early morning haze. Feeling DOMS from yesterday already. Quads from the Squats and triceps from the Wall Push-Ups. I also feel that the plantar faciitis has come back which is annoying but little I can do about it at the moment.

Am Gym Session
Quick Warmup
Office Friendly Posture 30-day challenge: Day 30 - Done and challenge Completed (For the first time again)
Exercise of the Day (3/11/2022): 30 Push-Ups Shoulder Taps - Done
Baseline program: Day 14 - Done at Level III
Back to Fit program: Day 25 Upper Body Circuit - Done (5 sets of 5 exercises for 10 reps each, first being a warmup). (Barbell Incline Press 22.5kg for warmup + 40kg for the remainder; Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press 7kg dumbbells for warmup + 10kg dumbbells for the remainder; Lat Pull-Down 25kg for warmup + 55kg for remainder, EZ-bar Curl 12.5kg warmup + 22.5kg for remainder, Triceps Extension 20kg for warmup + 45kg for remainder)
Workout of the Day (3/11/2022): Express Abs - Done with Extra Credit but zero points for style and grace. It was not pretty but is was done.
Power Grip 30-day challenge: Day 14 - Done
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done and so was I. Well and truly tanked especially when you throw in DOMS and the thought of a busy afternoon.


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 275
Thank you @JCU , @Montserrat , @Froud , @Fremen , and @TopNotch . Yes I was on quite a streak then and it has all fallen in a screaming heap. Well, not quite. The streak is just limping along thanks to another self induced injury at Kung Fu. A simple enough roll that ended up hitting right on the point of the shoulder first and pretty much rendered my arm useless. The doctor gave me an ear-full and told me I should have gone to the emergency ward of the hospital as I could have done all manner of damage to it from fractures to anterior dislocations. X-ray and ultrasound reveal no permanent damage as I suspected. Although a week on I am still only about 85-90% but not telling anyone that because I need to keep working and doing things. Anyway here is the brief recap on the week that was....

Day Forty-Five: Saturday 5/11/2022
Water First Thing 30-day challenge: Day 24 - Done
Power grip 30-day challenge: Day 15 - Done
Exercise of the Day (4/11/2022): 3 Minutes Side Leg Raise Hold - Done
Upper Body Light 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done

Day Forty-Six: Sunday 6/11/2022
Water First Thing 30-day challenge: Day 25 - Done
Baseline program: Day 15 - Done at Level III
Upper Body Light 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done
Exercise of the Day (5/11/2022): 40 Side Bridges - Done
Power Grip 30-day challenge: Day 16 - Done
Baseline program: Day 16 - Done at Level III
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done
Workout of the Day (5/11/2022): Herald - Done at Level III with Extra Credit

Day Forty-Seven: Monday 7/11/2022
Water First Thing 30-day challenge: Day 26 - Done
Upper Body Light 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done
Power Grip 30-day challenge: Day 17 - Done
2.09 km walk in 31:40 minutes taking the kids to school and getting coffee
Baseline program: Day 17 - Done at Level III
Exercise of the Day (6/11/2022): 60 Side Leg Extensions - Done
1.61km walk picking the kids up from school.
Kung Fu: 2 x Juniors class (as assistant instructor), Instructor Class, Adults Class until I went down hard on my shoulder.

Day Forty-Eight: Tuesday 8/11/2022
Water First Thing 30-day challenge: Day 27 - Done
2 km walk taking the kids to school. Then visit to doctor and lots more walking around getting x-rays and ultrasounds with more visits back to the doctor to get the whole lot analysed. More walking to chemist and get prescribed drugs.
Gentle rehabilitation exercises as prescribed by doctor.
Rest also as prescribed by doctor.

Day Forty-Nine: Wednesday 9/11/2022
Water First Thing 30-day challenge: Day 28 - Done
2km walk taking kids to school and back.
Gentle rehabilitation exercises as prescribed by doctor.
Again rest also as prescribed by doctor. Rest interrupted by house hunting as we received a lease termination notice as the owner now wants to sell. Lots of driving and inspecting of properties.

Day Fifty: Thursday 10/11/2022
Water First Thing 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done
2km walk taking kids to school & coffee.
Rehab exercises

Day Fifty-One: Friday 11/11/2022
Water First Thing 30-day challenge: Day 30 - Done and challenge completed. Lets hope the new challenge doesn't involve arms.
Rehab exercises and more walking.

Day Fifty-Two: Saturday 12/11/2022
1.16 km walk with daughter to inspect the next prospective new home. Nope.
0.66km walk to the next one. Perfect.
Forgot to restart tracker so other distances not recorded. More homes inspected.
Rehab exercises and paperwork to apply for all the properties that we liked.

Day Fifty-Three: Sunday 13/11/2022
Rehabilitation exercises. Bored of these. Need more. I wonder if my arm works yet....
Baseline program: Day 18 - Done at Level III. Ok so far,
Power Grip 30-day challenge: Day 18 - Done
Upper Body Light 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 8 - Done but not comfortable. Too soon. Movement seems okay but punches are not.
Easy Core 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done. The new challenge is at least shoulder friendly.

Day Fifty-Four: Monday 14/11/2022
2.10km walk taking kids to school & coffee.
After yesterday just rehabilitation exercises.
Easy Core 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done

and now we've caught up.


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 275
Thank you again @JCU , @NancyTree , @Fremen , @TopNotch , @Montserrat , and @JohnStrong .
Well another week has passed. I won't lie. It's been tough.

Day Fifty-Five: Tuesday 15/11/2022
Very stressful day. I managed to be picked for both the places I put in for but these were my Number 2 (in the suburb of Kirawee)and Number 3 (in the suburb of Caringbah) choices. There was a lot of emails and phone calls to the agency offering my Number 1 choice. They were mucking around and didn't really seem to be interested in managing the property. That said I did get an notification that the property I inspected (and wanted) had reduced in price, probably because I was the only one inspecting it. My blood pressure was going nuts today. So I started off with something to hopefully help.
Cotton Candy Clouds meditation (9:26 minutes) via Fit On App. And,
Free from Anxiety meditation session (6:20 minutes) via Fit On App. Neither helped for long. Especially as it was my first day back at work after a week off injured.
Finally in the late afternoon I got the call I wanted, we got the place in Gymea I wanted. Close to schools and everything else in our lives. That makes three from three. Looking back now it was very lucky to be so successful in my applications and be spoilt for choice. Some of those properties I inspected had huge queues to inspect them. I'm not kidding when I say I was stressed to the max about having to find a new place to live and move before Christmas when everything in Sydney shuts down for months on end.
PM activity
Easy Core 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done
Upper Body Light 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done

Day Fifty-Six: Wednesday 16/11/2022
I woke up much relieved but realised I still hadn't seen any offer in black & white. So more phone calls. I hope to hell that this mob picks they're act up. Finally we got the letter of offer and the instructions to secure the property. Done and done. Lots of unstructured physical activity - making moving boxes and filling them!
PM actvity
Upper Body Light 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done
Easy Core 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done

Day Fifty-Seven: Thursday 17/11/2022
Power Grip 30-day challenge: Day 19 - Done
Easy Core 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
PM activity
Upper Body Light 30-day challenge: Day 7 - Done
Easy Core 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done
and a number of emails to various real estate agents thanking them for their offers but declining them.

Day Fifty-Eight: Friday 18/11/2022
Very relieved and now feeling confident about doing a little more physical activity despite my right shoulder in a degree of discomfort still.
Easy Core 30-day challenge: Day 7 - Done
Power Grip 30-day challenge: Day 20 - Done
Upper Body Light 30-day challenge: Day 8 - Done
Baseline program: Day 19 - Done at Level III

PM Activity
Baseline program: Day 20 - Done at Level III
Exercise of the Day (17/11/2022): 30 Side-to-side Lunges - Done
Power Punches 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done
Power Grip 30-day challenge: Day 21 - Done
Upper Body Light 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
Workout of the Day (17/11/2022): I Can & I Will - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Upper Body Light 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 11 - Done
Baseline program: Day 21 - Done at Level III
Power Grip 30-day challenge: Day 22 - Done and possibly overdone it

Day Fifty-Nine: Saturday 19/11/2022
Teleconference with doctor about my shoulder. Told it I had full range of movement and only a little discomfort (slight understatement) but he still wants to see me for himself so in a few days time I'll be back in his office hoping I won't need an MRI or any complex treatment.
Exercise of the Day (18/11/2022): 40 Raised Leg Circles - Done
Easy Core 30-day challenge: Day 8 - Done
Upper Body Light 30-day challenge: Day 11 - Done
Power Grip 30-day challenge: Day 23 - Done
Baseline program: Day 22 - Done at Level III
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 12 - Done
Baseline program: Day 23 - Done at Level III

Day Sixty: Sunday 20/11/2022
Feeling all the extra workload so taking it easy today (somewhat)
Baseline 30-day challenge: Day 24 - Done at Level III
Easy Core 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
Upper Body Light 30-day challenge: Day 12 - Done
Okay, that's two months straight (60 Days so next badge please) with some days very light and others done well.

Day Sixty-One: Monday 21/11/2022
Shoulder still not 100% so I'll call it a rest day (okay, I lied, I still need to pack and store moving boxes)
2.00km walk taking kids to school and continue to new real estate agent to sort out a few issues.
1.30 km back, well at least to my gum buddy's place. I haven't seen her in ages and feel guilty. Then again its probably for the better as she is my rock and sounding board for whats going on inside my head. And somehow she is still a mate? I probably should have married her. Maybe she can be wife No. 3? No, let's not go there right now.
Anyway we knocked out a 3.22 km walk together in 39:30 minutes with a detour via my new place. That time felt like it absolutely flew by.
PM activity
1.60 km walk to pick the kids up.
No Kung Fu today. I am beginning to think I might have done something a little more than just a bump on the shoulder

Day Sixty-Two: Tuesday 22/11/2022
A very busy day.
An early afternoon off work to see the doctor again. He is relatively happy with my progress but has written me a referral to a phsyiotherapist just to make sure I get full range of motion and strength back to my shoulder.
PM activity
Exercise of the Day (21/11/2022): 60 Seconds Balance Hold - Done
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 13 - Done with a degree of discomfort. I still cannot throw a solid punch so it was done with a modified action.
Power Grip 30-day challenge: Day 24 - Done
Easy Core 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done.
I would have done more tonight but mixing red wine then gin & tonic probably didn't help. Tomorrow will possibly be a big one at work so I will leave it here and get to bed. Good night everyone and take care of yourselves.


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 4,011
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
In the end you managed to get what you wanted, the important thing is that, good new home :)