Deadoks on an adventure


Well-known member
Viking from Belgium
Posts: 712
Thank you @Fremen @Maegaranthelas @Laura Rainbow Dragon @Anek @JCU @MadamMeow @Syrius :love:

05/02/2024 - Day 36

Main Quest:
- Vitality - day 5 --> 7 sets - Level 3 - 30 sec rest
- Pathfinder - chapter 5 --> Q1 & Q2 done!
- Push Pull Legs - day 5 --> 1 min rest

Side Quest:
- 1 minute meditation - day 5
- Get to Bed on time - day 5 --> set at 11pm
- First thing water - day 5
- Daily gratitude - day 5
- Counting victories - day 5
- Power grip - day 5
- Easy core - day 5
- Easy cardio - day 5
- Posture - day 5
- de-stress - day 5
- Dead hang - day 5
- Jump rope - day 5
- EOD - streak 8 --> 50 side bends

- Week 1 --> 101.6kg - 29.0%
- Week 2 --> 101.3kg - 28.5%
- Week 3 --> 101.0kg - 28.2%
- Week 4 --> 99.8 kg - 28.0% - Day 22

Diet result are quite big this week but I expected it because the two first week were quite poor. I adapted my diet a little and next week I think it'll be 500gr and not this 1.2kg I'm not worried. for the fat pourcentage doesn't feel good as I don't think I lost 1kg of muscle (visually also) but here is were the calculation goes for my scale and where taking pictures goes way better as I already see a small result on my body, not the belly part for sure, but my arms, legs.
Anyway I continue, all these will be better in 3 months where I'll really see the difference overall and finally my belly will loose also some fat, takes more time there then anywhere else so, just be patient.
I feel good still, children are at school and I did my sport while working home.
This evening we do a board game "Munchkin Quest" that is an awesome RPG funny game!

I wish you all a chill day/night bee's


Well-known member
Viking from Belgium
Posts: 712
Thank you so much @PetiteSheWolf @Mamatigerj
Ringo is the cat of my partner, he's 14 always lived in an apartment but for some years now he enjoy a big garden and discover to joy of nature.

06/02/2024 - Day 37

Main Quest:
- Vitality - day 6 --> 5 sets - Level 3 - no rest
- Pathfinder - chapter 6 --> Q1 & Q2 optional done!
- Push Pull Legs - day 6 --> 1 min rest

Side Quest:
- 1 minute meditation - day 6
- Get to Bed on time - day 6 --> set at 11pm
- First thing water - day 6
- Daily gratitude - day 6
- Counting victories - day 6
- Power grip - day 6
- Easy core - day 6
- Easy cardio - day 6
- Posture - day 6
- de-stress - day 6
- Dead hang - day 6
- Jump rope - day 6
- EOD - streak 9 --> 2 mins side leg swing

- Week 1 --> 101.6kg - 29.0%
- Week 2 --> 101.3kg - 28.5%
- Week 3 --> 101.0kg - 28.2%
- Week 4 --> 99.8 kg - 28.0% - Day 23

Yesterday evening went smooth with children, I had no time to read the rule of the game, so we did it with special rule made for them to enjoy even more. I like when we can make it funny and joyful for them. then they're way easier to put in bed and they sleep good.
I did my sport this morning and finished it only now because I had a big urgency at work so I had to handle that "I got this!". I love when something happen in my work haha it makes the day unique, interesting and going fast.
This evening we plan to do another board game with the children.
I feel great, my partner feels great (she has some pain at her Psoas muscle and try to get rid of it but I can't find a good exercise to make it not so weak that as soon as she does squats she feel the pain back...) and my children are healthy and happy! What to ask more?

I wish you all a pretty day/night bee's


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Scout from WNY
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Bard from USA
Pronouns: He / Him
Posts: 203
(she has some pain at her Psoas muscle and try to get rid of it but I can't find a good exercise to make it not so weak that as soon as she does squats she feel the pain back...)
I'm not super technical when it comes to this stuff, so take this with a grain of salt, but when I was running all the time I always had tight painful hips. Figure 4 stretches helped but the biggest help was foam rolling. When I was a good boy and did it I was very successful with my running. When I stopped due to lack of time my running really trailed off. I used the video below as a quick guide and it really helped.



Well-known member
Viking from Belgium
Posts: 712
Thank you @JCU @Baryl we'll check these video and exercises. I was indeed thinking of some elastic bands exercises to work with a light resistance.

07/02/2024 - Day 38

Main Quest:
- Vitality - day 7 --> 7 sets - Level 3 - no rest
- Pathfinder - chapter 7 --> done!
- Push Pull Legs - day 7 --> 1 min rest

Side Quest:
- 1 minute meditation - day 7
- Get to Bed on time - day 7 --> set at 11pm
- First thing water - day 7
- Daily gratitude - day 7
- Counting victories - day 7
- Power grip - day 7
- Easy core - day 7
- Easy cardio - day 7
- Posture - day 7
- de-stress - day 7
- Dead hang - day 7
- Jump rope - day 7
- EOD - streak 10 --> 10 triceps extensions --> modified into 10 dips (because I just can't figure out how to do triceps extension this way)

- Week 1 --> 101.6kg - 29.0%
- Week 2 --> 101.3kg - 28.5%
- Week 3 --> 101.0kg - 28.2%
- Week 4 --> 99.8 kg - 28.0% - Day 24

Yesterday evening went fine, just some children emotional crisis to handle... But we did the game "happy little dinosaurs" and they liked it. My partner did also some DIY monsters with them... And they had a little bit of tablet because... screens They felt asleep really fast.
This morning my partner took over the children to prepare to school as I had an early important work task to do. All went fine!
Then I did my workouts early because I was totally into it.
Feeling great!

I wish you all a good day/night bee's


Well-known member
Viking from Belgium
Posts: 712
08/02/2024 - Day 39

Main Quest:
- Vitality - day 8 --> 7 sets - Level 3 - 30 sec rest
- Pathfinder - chapter 8 --> 2 sets - I keep the 2 survivors with us - total survivors 7
- Push Pull Legs - day 8 --> 1 min rest

Side Quest:
- 1 minute meditation - day 8
- Get to Bed on time - day 8 --> set at 11pm
- First thing water - day 8
- Daily gratitude - day 8
- Counting victories - day 8
- Power grip - day 8
- Easy core - day 8
- Easy cardio - day 8
- Posture - day 8
- de-stress - day 8
- Dead hang - day 8
- Jump rope - day 8
- EOD - streak 11 --> 60 sec superman stretch hold! I decided to stop the EOD because I just don't enjoy it with my plan. We see in the future but for now it's not in anymore!

- Week 1 --> 101.6kg - 29.0%
- Week 2 --> 101.3kg - 28.5%
- Week 3 --> 101.0kg - 28.2%
- Week 4 --> 99.8 kg - 28.0% - Day 25

My day is not a good one mentally. My partner had to take care of the children alone this morning and they behave really bad so my parents had to come for helping... I don't like that because she is very emotional and this makes her energy flow goes wrong... Then at work I have my best colleague that just told us he decided to not sign another contract so he'll be gone end of February. That's sad for me as we made big changes at work and finaly I had someone with the same idea to move things as they have to.
Then they decided to hire a junior fresh Sysadmin... When we especially need a seniorv one for the heavy loads of tasks... No really...
I'm happy that I could do my fitness this morning! Tomorrow I'll be happy at the ned of the day that we're on the weekend. And I took 14, 15 and 16 as days off. I need a rest!
But out of that, my body feels great!

I wish you all a nice day/night bee's


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,807
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Not the best day for sure, but I hope everything at work ends up working out better than you expect.

My brother was a real handful growing up and my mom often had to call my grandpa to come help, take him for the night.

I know that is hard, I hope your partner can feel better, it's not their fault, and I hope your kids calm down soon.


Well-known member
Viking from Belgium
Posts: 712
Thank you @Anek @Mamatigerj @Syrius @MadamMeow :hereforyou:

09/02/2024 - Day 40

Main Quest:
- Vitality - day 9 --> 5 sets - Level 3 - no rest
- Pathfinder - chapter 9 --> 7 sets
- Push Pull Legs - day 9 --> 1 min rest

Side Quest:
- 1 minute meditation - day 9
- Get to Bed on time - day 9 --> set at 11pm
- First thing water - day 9
- Daily gratitude - day 9
- Counting victories - day 9
- Power grip - day 9
- Easy core - day 9
- Easy cardio - day 9
- Posture - day 9
- de-stress - day 9
- Dead hang - day 9
- Jump rope - day 9

- Week 1 --> 101.6kg - 29.0%
- Week 2 --> 101.3kg - 28.5%
- Week 3 --> 101.0kg - 28.2%
- Week 4 --> 99.8 kg - 28.0% - Day 26

Yesterday evening was good, children were doing fine and went to bed calmly and chill. We had some time to chill together before also going to bed it was good for us!
Today is another day and I immediately did my sport this morning. I'm still motivated 100% to do all everyday.
I thought that I pushed myself too much for February but it feels good and quite easy at the end. I can handle everyday without problem and it's good because I already planned March and April programs/challenges. It's going to be good!

I wish you all a lovely day/night bee's


Well-known member
Viking from Belgium
Posts: 712
10/02/2024 - Day 41

Main Quest:
- Vitality - day 10 --> 7 sets - Level 3 - 30 sec rest
- Pathfinder - chapter 10 --> quest 1 and 2 (optional) done
- Push Pull Legs - day 10 --> 1 min rest

Side Quest:
- 1 minute meditation - day 10
- Get to Bed on time - day 10 --> set at 11pm
- First thing water - day 10
- Daily gratitude - day 10
- Counting victories - day 10
- Power grip - day 10
- Easy core - day 10
- Easy cardio - day 10
- Posture - day 10
- de-stress - day 10
- Dead hang - day 10
- Jump rope - day 10

- Week 1 --> 101.6kg - 29.0%
- Week 2 --> 101.3kg - 28.5%
- Week 3 --> 101.0kg - 28.2%
- Week 4 --> 99.8 kg - 28.0% - Day 27

Saturday, I did my sport later because the day was so busy with children and stuff to do. So while my children had diner I could do my sport and stuff. They also watched a movie "Orion and the dark" and it's a nice story.
So all is done I'll now rest and chill as my partner is 3 days to her parents I'll be alone monday and tuesday so I plan a drink with a friend and a gaming evening (weeks that I did not had time to play any game).

I wish you all a lovely day/night bee's


Well-known member
Viking from Belgium
Posts: 712
11/02/2024 - Day 42

Main Quest:
- Vitality - day 11 --> 7 sets - Level 3 - 30 sec rest
- Pathfinder - chapter 11 --> done
- Push Pull Legs - day 11 --> 1 min rest

Side Quest:
- 1 minute meditation - day 11
- Get to Bed on time - day 11 --> set at 11pm
- First thing water - day 11
- Daily gratitude - day 11
- Counting victories - day 11
- Power grip - day 11
- Easy core - day 11
- Easy cardio - day 11
- Posture - day 11
- de-stress - day 11
- Dead hang - day 11
- Jump rope - day 11

- Week 1 --> 101.6kg - 29.0%
- Week 2 --> 101.3kg - 28.5%
- Week 3 --> 101.0kg - 28.2%
- Week 4 --> 99.8 kg - 28.0% - Day 28

Sunday, good say. I'm running like a chicken without a head today. So much to do I didn't stop a minute. I finished my sport and I'll soon drive my children to their mother. It was a good week. It can be better but yeah I do my best as a father, sometime I feel I could do more m, bit I think overall I'm not a bad father. My children are happy it's rhe most important for me.

I wish you all a chill day/night bee's


Well-known member
from CentralTX, USA
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Posts: 2,967
I think you are probably a very good father. None of us is perfect; we are only humans with faults and weaknesses. I think, as parents we are so aware of the mistakes we make. I made so many, yet all 7 of my adult children are now my friends.

As you said:
My children are happy it's rhe most important for me.
Happy children are a result of good fathers and mothers.


Well-known member
Viking from Belgium
Posts: 712
yet all 7 of my adult children are now my friends.
:loveit: 7 children. I'm just amazed, wow!

as parents we are so aware of the mistakes we make
So true and I tend to review them all to see why I did this, how can I avoid this, what should I have done? Etc... But yes we're not perfect, I have to tell this to myself everyday.


Well-known member
Viking from Belgium
Posts: 712
12/02/2024 - Day 43

Main Quest:
- Vitality - day 12 --> 5 sets - Level 3 - no rest
- Pathfinder - chapter 12 --> 7 sets done
- Push Pull Legs - day 12 --> 1 min rest

Side Quest:
- 1 minute meditation - day 12
- Get to Bed on time - day 12 --> set at 11pm
- First thing water - day 12
- Daily gratitude - day 12
- Counting victories - day 12
- Power grip - day 12
- Easy core - day 12
- Easy cardio - day 12
- Posture - day 12
- de-stress - day 12
- Dead hang - day 12
- Jump rope - day 12

Diet: objective 92kg and way less fat - due date end of june
- Week 1 --> 101.6kg - 29.0%
- Week 2 --> 101.3kg - 28.5%
- Week 3 --> 101.0kg - 28.2%
- Week 4 --> 99.8 kg - 28.0%
- Week 5 --> 100.3kg - 28.1% - Day 29

Diet was ok last week, I ate more rice and more healthy food and I think that's why I got 500gr ore. But I also did not (if calculation are good) gain fat. So for me it's a good week if this is the case... I still use this %age of fat measurement widely as I still think they're not accurate... But yeah. I'll do now a balance between week 3 and 4 diet to see if I can find the good balance. for the moment I'm at an average of 300gr lost per week. It's still ok for me but I would love that 500gr average.

I did my sport very early today as I was awake at 5am could not sleep more so I had 1h15 to kill before going to work. So all fine all done. I did this on an empty stomach and just the PLL leg day was hard to finish, all the rest went totally fine.

Yesterday evening I missed a step on my stairway and felt hard directly on my right malleolus knee that took the shock and my right foot also got hurt as I missed the step with it. I had so much pain that I was raging like 15 minutes in my kitchen about how dumb I can be... But so I had things to do so I continued... When I went to bed I saw the it was swollen like the half of a tennis ball. Mphhhh... Raging again 5 minutes on myself... It was so painful when I touched it... and painful overall... Then I decided to just go sleep, I was not into taking time for this we'll see in the morning. This morning as I was awake early I was surprised to see that it was not swollen at all, not even a blue spot... I still have some pain if I touch it but not like that I was not able to do any sport... Squats went fine, jumping jack and high knees also... So yeah maybe my body was into healing power... I'm just surprised sometime...

I wish you all a chill day/night bee's


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
I had so much pain that I was raging like 15 minutes in my kitchen about how dumb I can be...
NONE OF THAT!!! A bout of clumsiness doesn't make you dumb any more than it makes you a ditz... and even if you were a ditz, it still doesn't determine your intelligence. You had a misstep. You made a mistake. Heaven forbid you should be human.... Come what may, never talk down on yourself.


Well-known member
Viking from Belgium
Posts: 712
Thank you @Maegaranthelas @OJJJEM @Laura Rainbow Dragon @Mamatigerj @Fremen @Anek @MadamMeow

13/02/2024 - Day 44

Main Quest:
- Vitality - day 13 --> 7 sets - Level 3 - no rest
- Pathfinder - chapter 13 --> Aption A and subquest done +1 survivor the boy accepted = total survivor 8!
- Push Pull Legs - day 13 --> 1 min rest

Side Quest:
- 1 minute meditation - day 13
- Get to Bed on time - day 13 --> set at 11pm
- First thing water - day 13
- Daily gratitude - day 13
- Counting victories - day 13
- Power grip - day 13
- Easy core - day 13
- Easy cardio - day 13
- Posture - day 13
- de-stress - day 13
- Dead hang - day 13
- Jump rope - day 13

Diet: objective 92kg and way less fat - due date end of June
- Week 1 --> 101.6kg - 29.0%
- Week 2 --> 101.3kg - 28.5%
- Week 3 --> 101.0kg - 28.2%
- Week 4 --> 99.8 kg - 28.0%
- Week 5 --> 100.3kg - 28.1% - Day 30

Today is a good day! I want it to be good so it'll be!!!
My knee is a little bit painful but really I must have felt good on it because it absorbed the shock and is now healed completely. Amazing is the human body. But yeah I had some stress about it thinking "Oh shit I'll maybe have problem to do my workouts" but no all fine! I'm boosted now!
I begin to feel that all the challenge are slowly getting harder haha but it's very good and it adds some difficulties to my February plan! I'll do it!
March is already planned no, the month of my birthday, I'll be 46... Time goes fast...
Diet is on a good way, yesterday I had some struggle to not eat more but I cut my hunger with a nice protein powder shake. It went all good.
Pathfinder and PPL were quite hard yesterday as it was legs working out, so I feel it in my legs this morning! 100 weight squats, 140 reverse lunges... I felt it.
So today all went fine, Pathfinder I decided to choose the 200 climbers and I instant regret it haha because I never do "troughout the day" I do all the same time! I hate climbers now!

Anyway I have a big day at work and after I'll do some home work.
And prepare the Valentine's day tomorrow.
I'm on holiday (staying home) from Wednesday to Sunday, more work at home to do and some nice times to spend with my partner. :)

I wish you all an amazing day/night bee's


Well-known member
Viking from Belgium
Posts: 712
14/02/2024 - Day 45

Main Quest:
- Vitality - day 14 --> 7 sets - Level 3 - no rest
- Pathfinder - chapter 14 --> done
- Push Pull Legs - day 14 --> 1 min rest

Side Quest:
- 1 minute meditation - day 14
- Get to Bed on time - day 14 --> set at 11pm
- First thing water - day 14
- Daily gratitude - day 14
- Counting victories - day 14
- Power grip - day 14
- Easy core - day 14
- Easy cardio - day 14
- Posture - day 14
- de-stress - day 14
- Dead hang - day 14
- Jump rope - day 14

Diet: objective 92kg and way less fat - due date end of June
- Week 1 --> 101.6kg - 29.0%
- Week 2 --> 101.3kg - 28.5%
- Week 3 --> 101.0kg - 28.2%
- Week 4 --> 99.8 kg - 28.0%
- Week 5 --> 100.3kg - 28.1% - Day 31

Today was a busy day again. We did a lot of shopping and enjoyed my first free day, in Holland. Lots of house projets so we visited lots of home shop to have even more ideas. I did my sport in the morning and finished some in the evening. I'm now very tired so we do chill TV evening and sleep early.

I wish you all a lovely day/night bee's
Last edited:


Well-known member
Viking from Belgium
Posts: 712
15/02/2024 - Day 46

Main Quest:
- Vitality - day 15 --> 5 sets - Level 3 - no rest
- Pathfinder - chapter 15 --> 8 sets done
- Push Pull Legs - day 15 --> 1 min rest

Side Quest:
- 1 minute meditation - day 15
- Get to Bed on time - day 15 --> set at 11pm
- First thing water - day 15
- Daily gratitude - day 15
- Counting victories - day 15
- Power grip - day 15
- Easy core - day 15
- Easy cardio - day 15
- Posture - day 15
- de-stress - day 15
- Dead hang - day 15
- Jump rope - day 15

Diet: objective 92kg and way less fat - due date end of June
- Week 1 --> 101.6kg - 29.0%
- Week 2 --> 101.3kg - 28.5%
- Week 3 --> 101.0kg - 28.2%
- Week 4 --> 99.8 kg - 28.0%
- Week 5 --> 100.3kg - 28.1% - Day 32

It was a busy day today! Again! Bit a good one. I did my sport in the afternoon and evening. Now it'll be time to chill so I'll watxh a serie while I'll give a foot reflexology to my partner as I promised her. I like it so hehe.

Day 15 of PPL program was the worse, I just hate these abs exercises that are nonsense to me and that should be only for advanced trained people that know the muscle they wanna train. Abs doesn't need these kind of exercises definitely this was not good. I did it for the challenge but I'll never recommend these to anybody as a main or secondary abs axercises. Too much possibility to work on the psoas is wrong. But yeah my experience if I target all people is to stay simple and safe with abs.

I wish you all a nice day/night bee's
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Well-known member
Viking from Belgium
Posts: 712
16/02/2024 - Day 47

Main Quest:
- Vitality - day 16 --> 7 sets - Level 3 - no rest
- Pathfinder - chapter 16 --> quest 1 and optional quest done!
- Push Pull Legs - day 16 --> 1 min rest

Side Quest:
- 1 minute meditation - day 16
- Get to Bed on time - day 16 --> set at 11pm
- First thing water - day 16
- Daily gratitude - day 16
- Counting victories - day 16
- Power grip - day 16
- Easy core - day 16
- Easy cardio - day 16
- Posture - day 16
- de-stress - day 16
- Dead hang - day 16
- Jump rope - day 16

Diet: objective 92kg and way less fat - due date end of June
- Week 1 --> 101.6kg - 29.0%
- Week 2 --> 101.3kg - 28.5%
- Week 3 --> 101.0kg - 28.2%
- Week 4 --> 99.8 kg - 28.0%
- Week 5 --> 100.3kg - 28.1% - Day 33

It was a b... Yup like everyday!
I don't feel my legs anymore, that PPL leg day killed me haha. When I'll be over with challenges and programs I'll keep up with one day legs only. I already have muscled legs and I feel after I train them that my jeans are getting too small for them. Some congestion is good.
We did woek at home, some shopping, went to the barber and haircut. I feel fresh and good.

I wish you all a pretty day/night bee's


Well-known member
Viking from Belgium
Posts: 712
17/02/2024 - Day 48

Main Quest:
- Vitality - day 17 --> 7 sets - Level 3 - 30 sec rest
- Pathfinder - chapter 17 --> done!
- Push Pull Legs - day 17 --> 1 min rest

Side Quest:
- 1 minute meditation - day 17
- Get to Bed on time - day 17 --> set at 11pm
- First thing water - day 17
- Daily gratitude - day 17
- Counting victories - day 17
- Power grip - day 17
- Easy core - day 17
- Easy cardio - day 17
- Posture - day 17
- de-stress - day 17
- Dead hang - day 17
- Jump rope - day 17

Diet: objective 92kg and way less fat - due date end of June
- Week 1 --> 101.6kg - 29.0%
- Week 2 --> 101.3kg - 28.5%
- Week 3 --> 101.0kg - 28.2%
- Week 4 --> 99.8 kg - 28.0%
- Week 5 --> 100.3kg - 28.1% - Day 34

This Saturday was a sunny day, finally! We did some work at home, painting, cutting some plinthes etc... Always lots to do in a big old house.
I did my sport in the morning early and finished the PLL in the evening.
All fine here! i hope you all feel great!

I wish you all a wonderful day/night bee's


Well-known member
Viking from Belgium
Posts: 712
18/02/2024 - Day 49

Main Quest:
- Vitality - day 18 --> 5 sets - Level 3 - no rest
- Pathfinder - chapter 18 --> done!
- Push Pull Legs - day 18 --> 1 min rest

Side Quest:
- 1 minute meditation - day 18
- Get to Bed on time - day 18 --> set at 11pm
- First thing water - day 18
- Daily gratitude - day 18
- Counting victories - day 18
- Power grip - day 18 - 60 dead dead hang - PR 🙃
- Easy core - day 18
- Easy cardio - day 18
- Posture - day 18
- de-stress - day 18
- Dead hang - day 18
- Jump rope - day 18

Diet: objective 92kg and way less fat - due date end of June
- Week 1 --> 101.6kg - 29.0%
- Week 2 --> 101.3kg - 28.5%
- Week 3 --> 101.0kg - 28.2%
- Week 4 --> 99.8 kg - 28.0%
- Week 5 --> 100.3kg - 28.1% - Day 35

Sunday is a good day, children are coming back and we go to Holland for some nice food at my partner parents. Her mother always does so good food that also fits my diet so I'm happy.
We did some work at home and I did my cardio in the early morning and just finished PPL 10 mins ago.
I'm quite happy I could do the 60 sec dead hang. I never did this so I see some progress for my ultimate goal, do some clean pull-ups... The way is long but it'll be possible! I take my time!

So now I'll continue some home work duties.

I wish you all a nice day/night bee's
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Well-known member
Viking from Belgium
Posts: 712
Thank you @JCU @Fremen @CODawn @Anek @Baryl :love: but you should not congrats a PR because I'll have PR every other days now as I progress everyday in my pull-ups goal! But yeah you're amazing and motivating! :yas:

19/02/2024 - Day 50

Main Quest:
- Vitality - day 19 --> 7 sets - Level 3 - 30 sec rest
- Pathfinder - chapter 19 --> 8 sets done!
- Push Pull Legs - day 19 --> 1 min rest

Side Quest:
- 1 minute meditation - day 19
- Get to Bed on time - day 19 --> set at 11pm
- First thing water - day 19
- Daily gratitude - day 19
- Counting victories - day 19
- Power grip - day 19
- Easy core - day 19
- Easy cardio - day 19
- Posture - day 19
- de-stress - day 19
- Dead hang - day 19
- Jump rope - day 19
- No Junk Food - day 1
- Only Homemade - day 1
- Only Homemade 30 - day 1

Bonus Quest:
- None at the moment

Diet: objective 92kg and way less fat - due date end of June
- Week 1 --> 101.6kg - 29.0%
- Week 2 --> 101.3kg - 28.5%
- Week 3 --> 101.0kg - 28.2%
- Week 4 --> 99.8 kg - 28.0%
- Week 5 --> 100.3kg - 28.1%
- Week 6 --> 99.9kg - 28.1% - Day 36 - OMAD day 1

So today I did all my fitness and muscle before 10am. I'm working from home and I have less work this morning so I did it, as my afternoon will be way more busy!
All went fine, I added some food challenge because I already did them but I wanna track them this time. The no junk food the is an easy one for me and the only homemade that will force me to not go to any nice restaurants for a month. this is a challenge doh!
I'm switching my diet to OMAD eating from 6pm to 8pm as it goes well and I just go naturally to OMAD by default as I eat nearly nothing for lunch, plus I can easily prep all my food for the diner. We see how it goes but I wanna boost a little my weight loss in march!
I had an horrible night, went to be in time at 11pm (challenge) but it took me hours to fall asleep... I think I felt asleep at 2 or 3 am... Then had to get up at 6am for preparing all for the kids to go school. My partner is in Holland for some days so I'm alone these days! But strangely I feel very energized... Maybe because I did all my sport early...
So now I'll go back to my work.

I wish you all a nice day/night bee's
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Well-known member
Viking from Belgium
Posts: 712
20/02/2024 - Day 51

Main Quest:
- Vitality - day 20 --> 7 sets - Level 3 - 30 sec rest
- Pathfinder - chapter 20 --> 20 mins meditation - and optional quest done! And the old man join the group! 9 survivors!
- Push Pull Legs - day 20 --> 1 min rest

Side Quest:
- 1 minute meditation - day 20
- Get to Bed on time - day 20 --> set at 11pm
- First thing water - day 20
- Daily gratitude - day 20
- Counting victories - day 20
- Power grip - day 20
- Easy core - day 20
- Easy cardio - day 20
- Posture - day 20
- de-stress - day 20
- Dead hang - day 20 --> FAIL - I had to hang 70s and I did only 50s first try and 60s second try!
- Jump rope - day 20
- No Junk Food - day 2
- Only Homemade - day 2
- Only Homemade 30 - day 2

Bonus Quest:
- None at the moment

Diet: objective 92kg and way less fat - due date end of June
- Week 1 --> 101.6kg - 29.0%
- Week 2 --> 101.3kg - 28.5%
- Week 3 --> 101.0kg - 28.2%
- Week 4 --> 99.8 kg - 28.0%
- Week 5 --> 100.3kg - 28.1%
- Week 6 --> 99.9kg - 28.1% - Day 37 - OMAD day 2

I did all my sport at 5am this morning as I'll not have any time after work. We go to a little Jazz concert this evening and after it'll certainly be time to sleep (11pm).

I failed my Dead Hang today! I had to last 70s and I did 60s on the second try. I could not continue because I lost the grip at the end. My arms are totally fine but my hands could not keep the grip. I feel so much pain to my fingers...
What do I do now? I redo day 19 tomorrow and day 20 until I can do it? Or I continue the challenge? But then it'll be harder and harder... I want to clear this challenge good! What do you do when it happens on a challenge?
Edit: I think I'll go back to day 19 then day 20 until I can do it! And continue to take my time until I finish it completely and cleanly.

I slept very good last night, I mean I had the time to put children in bed, play some with them and some stories reading... Then I went bed and collapsed at 9pm... Woke up totally fit at 5am one hour before my alarm clock. 🙃

I wish you all a healthy day/night bee's
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Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,558
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Some challenges are too difficult to actually complete in 30 days.
I divided it into sets based either on time or repetitions when I couldn't do it this way so I still finished in 30 days, otherwise the challenge could have dragged on for who knows how long :)