Stronger everyday


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 747
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Classic Warmup
✔ Scout workout (Level 1)
✔ Foundation (Day 8, Level 1)

Day 1 of 9 complete (restarting challenge). Tough workout today, really blew out my expectations. I was like "eh, how about an easy one today".... ok, that wasn't an easy one, lol. Plank jacks were deceptively hard and forced me into knee-pushups for the last 2 sets. And that's a lot of high-knees. For the record, I have yet to complete my Foundation exercises for today, but don't like waiting to post until I've gotten to it in the afternoon (mornings are a better, quieter time for me to log an entry here). I'll stay vigilant and ensure I fulfill my foundation commitment in the afternoons.

So I'm back from a family vacation. Overall I'm happy with the amount I managed to exercise while away; but ultimately I failed my challenge to exercise everyday. Lessons learned: 1) if I don't do it in the morning, it just won't happen. Just too many variables after the fam wakes up and the parenting adventure begins
And there's barely anything left in the tank at the end of the day, 2) create a challenge that is pared back and would make exercising every day easier and more likely to occur (some nights I got barely any sleep and it just didn't seem wise to physically exert myself).

As a side note, I finished a book I was reading and wished I had another good one to start. Ended up staring at my phone in lieu of reading material and increased my screen time/compulsion. Anyway, I have some thoughts on amending some new forthcoming fitness challenges (simplifying them) but gotta go.


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 747
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Classic Warmup
Abs Unlocked (Level 1)
✔ Foundation (Day 9, Level 2)

Day 2 of 9 complete. Good workout today, side bridges and side planks were a struggle. Really highlights my midsection weakness.

Regarding fitness challenges that were to commence this week - I think I was going to bite off more than I could chew. To recap, I was goaling for 20 dips, 10 pull ups, and 50 pushups. What I intended would be that I'd be adding training exercises to my daily activities to help me towards these goals. It would've been too much. I will pick one of these to work on, and that may wait until I've finished Foundation.

📗 Just started The Last Great Fight by Joe Layden that explores the boxing match between Mike Tyson and Buster Douglas. Sports writing is a genre that's been on my radar for awhile to try out, so I'm finally getting to one. Perhaps I'll continue to log what I'm reading here? Weapons of Mass Instruction and King Solomon's Mines will come next...


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 747
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Classic Warmup
Reclaimer (Level 1)
✔ Foundation (Day 10, Level 2)

Day 3 of 9 complete. Good workout, more core exercises. Really want to get better at pushups; they continue to be one of the greatest obstacles in workouts.

I'm having some struggles with my lower back; nothing new, and has certainly been a long time coming. I experience serious tightness and mild pain in that area. What's gotten me to this point has been too much sitting and not enough activity. What's been testing this region and aggravating it recently, I think, has been wielding/picking up my kids. I'm going to try and be more careful and avoid putting strain on that region. None of the exercises I've been doing have aggravated it, that I'm aware of. Anyway, this is the start of rehabilitating my back; will be a journey💪

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,169
"Striving to be the change."
I had back pain issues for nine years, (caused in my case by a weight-lifting injury which I exacerbated by trying to "work through" instead of resting). They are no fun. I finally got a family physician at the age of 41 (after not having had one since I was 18). On my intake appointment he asked me if I had any medical concerns. I told him about my back pain issues. He shrugged and told me, "You're forty now, Laura."

He was wrong though. Within a year, my back was fine, and has remained so ever since.

What finally cured my problem was roller derby. -- Not that I'm advocating roller derby as a cure for physical injuries. Generally speaking it's a sport more likely to break your body than fix it. But it does involve a huge amount of active squatting, which forces the muscles we stretch out passively while sitting to get strong. -- But I tell this story to let you know there is hope. My FP was wrong. A bad back is not inevitable with age--even if you're experiencing problems now. I had days when my back was so messed up I could not walk upright. I had one day on which I could not even crawl! Now I am 51 and have been back-pain free for close to a decade. You will get there too! I wish for you a thorough and speedy recovery.


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 747
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Classic Warmup
Bounty Hunter (Old School, Level 1)
✔ Foundation (Day 11, Level 2)

Day 4 of 9 complete. Tough-looking workout but I managed OK (it appears nearly all the reps are doubled in the paper version I have). I imagine martial-arts based workouts like this will increase in difficulty as I improve my form; I try and execute side-kicks best I can.

@Laura Rainbow Dragon - thank you for the inspiration and well wishes!


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 747
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Classic Warmup
Arms of Steel workout (Old School, Level 1)
✔ Foundation (Day 12, Level 2)

Day 5 of 9 complete. Simple workout today, not too strenuous. I could not complete a full 10-rep set of tricep pushes and had to go knees. I tried a spot to exercise closer to home that will probably work better long term, as it's covered for the rainy season. My mornings are primarily exercise-oriented currently, but I will soon have to split that with focused professional development. I want to figure out a "stronger everyday" approach for my career; I only tend to make progress in fits and spurts.

Something I love about Darebee's content is that it lines up really nicely with a half-marathon training program I did a few years back. That was the first program I followed - just 1 sheet of paper that outlined months of training instructions. It became very convenient to know I just had to run on the days the program told me to run, and for how long. I didn't have to sort those details out, I just had to show up. That was so helpful. And it became increasingly gratifying to cross off each successful log after the run. Darebee offers the same choose-your-own-adventure, guided, yellow-brick-road(s) of physical activity. I'm loving it <3


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 747
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Classic Warmup
Centurion workout (Old School, Level 1)
✔ Foundation (Day 13, Level 2)

Day 6 of 9 complete. Good workout today; the elbow-to-knee crunches were difficult. Felt a bit tired this morning; I think it's the accumulation of muscle fatigue. Yay, I'm pushing myself :) Sleep is pretty good lately, I'm making good dietary choices - but maybe I should be eating more? A few mornings lately I wake up hungry, then I workout, suppress my appetite with coffee and typically only munch an apple till our noon BBQ. I'll try and remember to throw a little extra meat on the BBQ so I have something ready to be eaten 🍗

Last night I was involved in a slightly stressful exchange, and it got me thinking about the role stress can play in disturbing a healthy pattern of habits. In the past, I've been guilty of mismanaging my inner critic and allowing healthy habits to be dismissed "temporarily". I'd take this route because maintaining certain habits "felt like too much", or "I need some space", etc. Most often than not, I think that approach just made "some space" to ruminate further. Not good! Now I think keeping with my routine is kind of like the guard rails of life, protecting me from total chaos, and providing the order I was grasping for. I want to have a daily routine I love. And when life rattles me? That's just a signal to strengthen my grip on what I do 💪


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 747
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"


Well-known member
Commando from Alberta
Posts: 747
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Classic Warmup
Gladiator workout (Old School, Level 1)
✔ Foundation (Day 16, Level 2)

Day 9 of 9 complete! 🎈 Phew. THAT was a tough one. I was tired of running from this workout and finally took it head on. I learned I'm capable of a lot more lunges than I thought, and confirmed that jumping lunges are TOUGH. Hello lactic acid! I feel the need to boast and say I did the old school version of Gladiator contained within my paperback that started with 40 lunges, followed by 20 jumping lunges. The rest of the rep counts followed suit [pats self on back].

Tomorrow will be a rest day (no workout but continue Foundation) and then start a new streak ✌


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 747
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Classic Warmup
Viking workout (Old School, Level 1)
✔ Foundation (Day 18, Level 2)

Day 1 of 10 complete. Challenging workout to begin this streak. This routine really squeezed the last bit out of each muscle at the end with power moves.

I've been getting good sleep. My diet has been good too. Since getting into the routine of exercise again with Darebee, I think there has been a significant decrease in cravings and an ability to weather them better. I don't want to get cocky though; I've been guilty of being in decent shape in the past and using that as an excuse to pile carbohydrate on top of carbohydrate 😅 Um, that didn't go well. I could do with drinking more water, can be an afterthought at times. Doing Foundation in the afternoons has really helped combat lurching energy levels. Maybe I should try moving it to our patio too for some added sunlight.

Thanks to everyone for all the encouragement and support, it really helps ✌


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 747
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Classic Warmup
Titan workout (Level 1)
✔ Foundation (Day 19, Level 2)

Day 2 of 10 complete. Another good workout. Legs feel like they have a backlog of healing to do.

I've been noticing some significant evidence of fat loss; my legs are more spindly, thinner. Less to grab on my lower thighs. And my midsection is getting tighter; easier to make contact with my hip bones. Anyway, signs of a struggle :)

:fireworks:"Sparkle and shine in the face of darkness" -John Taylor Gatto, Dumbing Us Down (1992)


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 747
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Classic Warmup
Five Minute Plank workout (Level 1)
✔ Foundation (Day 20, Level 1)

Day 3 of 10 complete. OOF! Bit off more than I could chew with this core workout; failed multiple times. Fitness test for my abs. Would rest and get back into position. A real struggle throughout.

📚Currently reading Dumbing Us Down (John Taylor Gatto, 1992) and King Solomon's Mines (H. Rider Haggard, 1885).
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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 747
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Classic Warmup
Power Burpee workout (Level 1)
✔ Foundation (Day 21, Level 2)

Day 4 of 10 complete. Challenging workout; my burpee form was off (stepped into pushup position) and corrected in the last set. I got confused by pushup side-crunches and replaced them with dragon pushups.

I picked up the Hero's Journey paperback; super-pumped to start it :) Probably not till mid-late November ☕


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 747
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Classic Warmup
Hercules workout (Old School, Level 1)
✔ Foundation (Day 22, Level 2)

Day 5 of 10 complete. Today's workout was a new kind of challenge. Moderate in difficulty, but very long. I timed my last set (albeit probably the slowest of the bunch) and it went 13 minutes. Dat long! It appears the updated version omits combos and significantly cut the reps. It wasn't obvious to me how I should transition with the first combo, but I think I found a solution that wasn't cheating too much. A routine worthy of the "strength" classification 🏋️‍♂️ Sweat earned. Oh and the 40 second raised leg hold at the end just seemed mean 😅 (how dare you!).


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 747
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Classic Warmup
Anchor'd workout
✔ Foundation (Day 23, Level 2)

Day 6 of 10 complete. Chose a simpler, stretch routine today. Holding my leg extended during side kicks and front kicks was nigh impossible; just struggled to elevate as much as I could. A lot of stretching and strengthening work to be done on those tendons.

It was a nice sunny day yesterday so we decided to get ice cream cones; first one for me in a long time. At the time I enjoyed it, but regretted it later on. All that sugar just didn't make me feel good. My wife felt the same way. In the future when a rare craving arises that fruit won't satisfy, I think I'll try to stick to a low sugar, bread option 🥐☕ Be well bees!


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 747
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Classic Warmup
Armor Abs workout (Old School, Level 1)
✔ Foundation (Day 24, Level 2)

Day 7 of 10 complete. I chose a simple core workout today to mix things up some more, and because I strained my neck yesterday. I liked the workout, good balance of fast and slow. I plan on ramping up to a hard workout to close the streak out.

🙇‍♂️I think the neck strain occurred during a brief nap yesterday afternoon; kind of slowly emerged. I've been trying to be gentle with it and avoid tweaking it further; I'm tempted to stretch various muscles in the area to pinpoint the pain but it's probably not a good idea. I'm confident it will heal itself in a couple days.


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 747
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Classic Warmup
The Forge workout (Level 1)
✔ Foundation (Day 26, Level 1)

Day 9 of 10 complete. Fun workout today, not too challenging. I really like the combos; I don't see a lot of the newer workouts utilizing them. Maybe they confuse users too often? Anyway, short but sweet workout today.

I'm feeling tired. Maybe 'worn out' puts it better. I think my sleeps been OK. Maybe it's just cumulative muscle fatigue? I'm pretty new to exercising daily so perhaps my body is still in the process of adapting. It hasn't affected my motivation to exercise, but by the end of my work day my tank is empty. Maybe I should try to eat more. Be well bees! :) ☕


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 747
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Classic Warmup
Boss Fight workout
✔ Foundation (Day 26 + 27, Level 1)

Not today Bowser!
Halloween Die GIF by Julie Wierd

Day 10/10 complete! Achievement unlocked! Boss defeated! Closing out a 10-day workout streak with a 10-set workout seemed appropriate :)

Tomorrow will be a rest day (no workout, but continue with Foundation), then start an 11-day streak. Forgot my foundation exercises yesterday so I'll be doubled up today. Now, time to celebrate with a hot cup of coffee and a cranberry scone 🥳 Have a great day Bees ☕🥐


Well-known member
Commando from Alberta
Posts: 747
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
✔ Foundation (Day 28, Level 2)

Rest day today. I thought I'd use this as an opportunity to reflect on what's helped me get on a good track of exercising. I've identified 6 elements:

  1. Exercising everyday
  2. Having fun
  3. Pursuing goals (defined, measurable, deadline)
  4. Summoning a vision (an ever present horizon)
  5. Comrades
  6. Using my imagination

Exercising everyday
Prior to starting my fitness journey with Darebee, I was not exercising at all. I'd gotten on an exercising track many times in my life, but would eventually fall off. Through those various cycles, I had retained the memory of knowing that once you form the habit of exercising it gets easier. You start craving movement, and the experience of physical exertion, and miss it when you don't choose it. I'd always heard 3-4 days a week was best (particularly around weight-training). The reason given was your muscles needed time to recover. Fair enough.

But around the time I started following routines in Pocket Workouts, I discovered K boges on YouTube. He's a fitness trainer who started uploading footage of his calisthenics workouts combined with his thoughts on fitness theory. I can't summarize the totality of his viewpoint here, but essentially K boges believes you should exercise everyday because the value of strengthening exercise habit far outweighs the potentially incomplete, impartial muscle recovery that may result. It helps make exercise not just something you do, but part of your identity.

As someone who has stopped and started many times, this appealed to me. And in relation to my vision (see below) it just made sense. Body-weight exercises are a perfect fit for this strategy, and Darebee's programs fit perfectly.

Having Fun
Running? That can be fun. Biking? Yep, I have fun doing that. Heading to a stinky gym, flourescently lit, surrounded by sweating strangers to do the same routine over and over? By the way, you're PAYING MONEY to do it. Um, I'll pass thanks. I've worked out in many gyms throughout my life and wouldn't call them fun places. After discovering r/bodyweightfitness 3-4 years ago I was a convert. Bodyweight exercising was the way to go. Workout wherever the hell you want, no equipment necessary. I followed their recommended routine and made great progress... but, I fell off the wagon. I got bored. It was not fun. Same thing over and over. Then years later I tried getting back into it, and had to refamiliarize myself with all the progressions, and plan out my routine, and look up what all the exercises were... that was not fun. And it delayed my progress.

Then I discovered Darebee's workouts that were clearly illustrated, varied, and creative. This was not boring! I could just start! Showing up to workout everyday not knowing what to expect is fun, and the type of advantage normally enjoyed only by fitness class attendees (who probably have to show up to a smelly room btw). Now I have fun doing a different workout everyday, in the great outdoors.

Pursuing Goals
Specifically short term goals. Achieving rep counts, completing a program, completing challenges - Darebee offers great fitness tracks to start on that help measure my progress. These little wins give me the extra oomph on days when I'm feeling tired or less motivated. And the badges are great celebrations of achievement.

Summoning a Vision
I don't see this as a long term goal, more a horizon I'm headed in the direction of. A direction I develop over time that I'm always pursuing and will never fully arrive at. Like a horizon. I'm still developing mine. But it definitely includes being a fit, old man. Like so many people of my generation, I became a father late in life. In my vision, my children never have to worry about their dad not being able to do things, or not join on them on adventures, or not be able to roll around and wrestle with them. I become one of the fittest men my children know, and a good role model for making regular physical activity part of their identity. I want to meet my grandchildren, and the odds look better when I see myself healthy and fit. I try to bear this vision in mind regularly over the course of my fitness trials and challenges.

I'm not a communist, lol. But comrades sounds right. Other fighters you're shoulder-to-shoulder with, struggling against gravity, generational obesity, mental health, naysayers, natural decay, a psychological stop sign or a lack of imagination. Keeping a check-in log has been great for me, to tell my story of struggle. Knowing there are others alongside me in the trenches, offering support when they can, is worth more than you can imagine. No joke!

Using my imagination
Maybe this belongs under Having Fun, but it's just too important to me. It's funny - you call a workout Conan, and suddenly, this doesn't just have to be a series of mundane movements you're doing to burn X calories - um, you're performing essential exercises that will help you wrestle Drakes out of the sky and resist caravan raids so you don't get your head chopped off! I really like that Darebee has chosen to inject their workouts (nevermind whole RPG routines) with a bit of fantasy. Why not? Why more fitness gurus/leaders/programs don't do this now confounds me. Engaging my imagination, just a little, gives me bits of inspiration to chop harder, front kick faster, and accept that the 3rd set isn't optional - it's how the dragon gets killed.
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Well-known member
Commando from Alberta
Posts: 747
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Classic Warmup
Leg Day workout (Old School, Level 1)
✔ Foundation (Day 29, Level 2)

Day 1/11 complete. Handled 40 squats per set better than I expected. I think it's time to try a new warmup routine, or at least amend the one I'm using. Have started working toe reaches into it.

Really enjoying reading King Solomon's Mines right now. Be well bees! 😀☕


Well-known member
Commando from Alberta
Posts: 747
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Classic Warmup
Chase workout (Old School, Level 1)
✔ Foundation (Day 30, Level 2) COMPLETE!

Day 2/11 complete. Foundation program complete! I can confidently say I'm better at high knees than I used to be :) Next secondary program will be the 30-day pushup challenge.

Was doing some research on the history of physical fitness and discovered George Hébert's Natural Theory of movement, established back in 1912. Found some English translations and learned that he recommended: Air baths (exercising bare-chested), always exercising outdoors, and not exercising in the early morning (woops, that's me, though I'm not clear why yet). He was a big proponent of measuring one's progress in all manner of Olympian-style movements, like rope-climbing, weight-throwing, long-jumping, swimming, etc. He also disliked sports, and he liked obstacle courses. Apparently his theories inspired the parkour movement, and a more recent movement called MovNat? Anyway, all very interesting stuff and has been a good reminder that a lot of modern exercise practice (gyms, weight-training machines, devices, etc) are all still very new relative to the history of exercise.

Have a good day bees, and Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian brothers and sisters out there! ☕😋🍗

EDIT: Now I'm perusing Checkley's Natural Method of Physical Training
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Well-known member
Commando from Alberta
Posts: 747
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Thank you for all the support! @Laura Rainbow Dragon @mavie @Haleth @TopNotch @BetaCorvi @Fremen @Matan @Froud @TheLibrarian @Knyte @Mianevem

Classic Warmup
The Boulder workout (Old School, Failed)
Good Morning Abs workout (Level 1)
Daily Push-ups (Day 1)

Day 3/11 completed. I could not complete The Boulder as prescribed; went to knee push-ups in the 2nd set and could not perform raised legs. In any case I struggled through what I was capable of for 3 sets. I decided to add a short core workout on top as recompense.

Oh boy, still full from Thanksgiving dinner yesterday evening, lol (urp).


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Heroine from Europe
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 67
"Headbanging to classical music"
Thank you for all the support! @Laura Rainbow Dragon @mavie @Haleth @TopNotch @BetaCorvi @Fremen @Matan @Froud @TheLibrarian @Knyte @Mianevem

Classic Warmup
The Boulder workout (Old School, Failed)
Good Morning Abs workout (Level 1)
Daily Push-ups (Day 1)

Day 3/11 completed. I could not complete The Boulder as prescribed; went to knee push-ups in the 2nd set and could not perform raised legs. In any case I struggled through what I was capable of for 3 sets. I decided to add a short core workout on top as recompense.

Oh boy, still full from Thanksgiving dinner yesterday evening, lol (urp)
That's true determination and spirit right there! Doing push ups after Thanksgiving dinner :worried:

All jokes aside it's so nice and inspiring seeing some so determined and eager to conquer new goals!


Well-known member
Commando from Alberta
Posts: 747
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Classic Warmup
I Aim To Misbehave workout (Old School, Level 1)
Ironclad Abs workout (Level 1)
Daily Push-ups (Day 3)

Day 5/11 completed. Easy workout today, so another double! Tomorrow I will pick a tough one. Thinking about delaying the start of Hero's Journey; I discovered a back/core program from Darebee and consider strengthening that area a higher priority. We'll see! Have a good one bees! 🙂☕

Discovered the Tiktok music genre Phonk and now this old man just be loopin':


Well-known member
Commando from Alberta
Posts: 747
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Classic Warmup
Huntsman workout (Level 1)
Cardio Hop workout (Level 1)
Daily Push-ups (Day 6)

Day 8/11 completed. Doubled up a couple easier workouts today; rough night of sleep. I think I'm on the cusp of being sick? Hope not. Noticing quite a few upper-body workouts remaining in Pocket Workouts; I best ice a couple of those before the end of this streak. They definitely prove to be some of the hardest for me.

📚Still working through King Solomon's Mines; I'm thinking I'll try a non-fiction work on the sinking of the RMS Lusitania next. Be well bees! 🙂☕


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 747
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Classic Warmup
Reaper workout (Level 1)
Daily Push-ups (Day 7)

Day 9/11 completed. Ugh, workout was so hard. I just don't have the upper-body endurance yet. Reverted to knee push-ups during sets 2 and 3. These fighting gravity routines are my least favourite. Once I improve my upper-body and core strength perhaps that will change :P

I got up at 2am. Not sure if I'm getting sick or maybe a result of seasons/temperatures changing. Just couldn't sleep anymore. I'll try to remember to drink lots of water and eat frequently today, probably gonna be a rough one. Take it easy! 🥱☕


Well-known member
Commando from Alberta
Posts: 747
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Classic Warmup
Power Abs workout (Level 1)
Daily Push-ups (Day 8)

Day 10/11 completed. Core workout today performed outdoors. Wanted to take advantage of exercising outside before the rain arrives (coming soon). I have to admit I was a bit spooked today though.... dark, early morning hours. Kept preparing myself to fend off a hungry coyote during flutter kicks, lol. Just a little paranoid :sappen:

I slept a little better last night, improvement is good! Thanks for the well wishes @PetiteSheWolf @Anek Have yourselves a fun day 🙂☕