Do you wanna dance! Shake it baby!


Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905

It is a shame, I still struggle to wake up and the cat is not helping at all!
  • The Olympian - Day 7 (level 2).
  • Challenge Cardio Before Breakfast - Day 7.
  • Exercise of the day: 20 Burpees. (I bloody hate burpees)
  • Work out of the day: Pack a punch (1 set - not my favorite).
  • 4*6 curls (DB 10kg)
  • Stretching
Exercises streak 74 days.
Daily dares streak 54 days.

Also, as the temperature dropped a bit, I rode my bicycle to work. Oh yeah it felt so good. Brussels is not the best city to bike commuting, but when you know the less crowded street, it is so refreshing (when, not so much actually).

Be seeing you!


Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
Good Morning Gals and Pals,

I misbehave deeply with a pack of cookies (Delacre's Biarritz for the connoisseur). I feel bad today. And more: an other wake up mishap.
Exercises streak 75 days.
Daily dares streak 55 days.

It is the middle of the week! Enjoy it. It used to be my favorite day of the week from 1986 to 1999.
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Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
@TopNotch rest assure that if my beautiful Monty (Montgomery Mayonnaise in full) is no help for get up, I am really glad she is part of my life and show the world you can sleep 23 hours a day. She is kind enough to play silently under the bed and she never woke me up. She waits I am awake to cuddle :)

@OJJJEM I understand but it is not that kind of cookie. It is a belgian 'biscuit': a thin biscuit with a thinner layer of belgian (of course) chocolate and coco flakes. It is more for tea time of the coffee at 5pm. A delight.


Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
Good Morning Bees!


Small cold today with sore throat, runny nose, migraine, hence I skipped office day for kitten day care.

Exercises streak 76 days.
Daily dares streak 56 days.



Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
Thank you @Whirly @lofivelcro @Sif_Shepard @CODawn @JCU @Numbat @Hbomb

Kitten day care is the solution to everything :) it works with dogs as well ^^

Must be just an annoying cold, I still have the head a bit numb, and it looks looks like I swallow a kilo of pebbles. The worst is I woke up every hour last night and that leaves me not at my best.

That's why I have just done the exercise of the day 60' balance hold.
But I have cleaned the apartment (while listening to a boring meeting.

Exercises streak 77 days.
Daily dares streak 57 days.

Enjoy your Friday!


Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
Thank you @CODawn @Fremen @BetaCorvi @JCU @GentleOx

That's already something hé ;)

I had a great idea yesterday. Why not go get 7 hawaiian necklace under the pouring rain in the hilly Brussels for 20 km on my bike ^^

Weight: 98.3
BMI: 30.0
Exercises streak 81 days.
Daily dares streak 61 days.

Have a nice day!



Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
Thank you @lofivelcro @Anek :D

@OJJJEM So far, I resit ;) There were flower lei, but naturally synthetic ones.

But I am really glad to commute again on my not so old bike :) It is not the most comfortable but it does the job.
Exercises streak 82 days.
Daily dares streak 62 days.

Enjoy your day!


Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
Happy Thursday Bees!

Hard wake up again, I did the gym and flee to the office :)

Exercises streak 83 days.
Daily dares streak 63 days.

It is a good day today :) Make the best of it!


Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
Hello Dears!

I hope you are all feeling good today.
My parents are coming tomorrow for dinner, wich makes me always a bit tense. I have a strange/up and down relation ship with mother. We will see!

Weight: 98.7
BMI: 30.1
Exercises streak 84 days.
Daily dares streak 64 days.

Happy Friday!


Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
Hi there!

Thank you for your wishes @Whirly and @Anek it went better than expected thanks to my wonderful partner :)

Actually, on friday, my partner asked if I would accompany her to the gym, and I said yes. Hence I played around with the eliptical bike (which is the closest to running I can do), kettle bells and dumbells :)

Exercises streak 87 days.
Daily dares streak 67 days.

I hope you have a good Monday morning so far!


Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
Oi! Tuesday already :)

Weight: 99.7 (I am pretty sure it is muscles)
BMI: 30.4

Exercises streak 88 days.
Daily dares streak 68 days.

Office day today. Lot of people around, I am not used to it anymore since the 2020's lockdown. I do like to work from home, but I got used to work in an almost silence (except for music of course).

Enjoy your day!



Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
Good day

Weight: 98.6 (I knew it was temporary)
BMI: 30.1

Exercises streak 89 days.
Daily dares streak 69 days.

It has been tow days in a rows with the most perfect shave. I have been wet-shaving for year, but I am reaching the best only now.

Enjoy your day!


Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
yeah it is Thursday!

@lofivelcro You are a man of taste :) I have 2 DE razors and 2 shavettes, two brushes (badger and boar) I tried the Stirling Soap, and it is quite nice to use :)

Weight: 99.5
BMI: 30.4

Exercises streak 90 days.
Daily dares streak 70 days.

Have a nice one
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Well-known member
Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
I have an old cutthroat razor I got from my master, who also taught me how to shave. Never let me down, will probably last another hundred years :LOL:
I tried once to use one of those fancy multi-blade razors, with 5! blades, and I was shocked at the result. Never again :oops:
I'll have to look up what a shavette is, though, never heard that one.

That being said:
Congrats on your 90 days streak! I know, 100 is the next badge, but 90 days is 3 months, which is a quarter of a year, so it makes a nice streak.


Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
@lofivelcro you are a man of taste. I am still contemplating the idea to get a straight razor. Perhaps for Christmas. My dad was using a dumb and dull cheap rason. I bought him a safety razor this year ;) I like to play with those toys ^^

Thank you mate for the pep talk!

It was a slow weekend as I did the 2nd covid vaccine booster. I was not too full of energy last Friday (hence my silence). So I kept with DD for the sake of doing something.

Exercises streak 94 days.
Daily dares streak 74 days.

may you have a good start of week!