Life, the Universe and Everything


Shieldmaiden from Greece
Posts: 685
"Trust The Awesomeness"
:v: Morning Workout
20 minute run
: good pace! You go, you.
+ 1 minute spring at the end
mandatory ab work:
10 knee-tucks x 7 sets
On the bars*

* I use my treadmill’s handles for this. I walk and then grab the handles and do knee-tucks ~ every 30 seconds.

I had leftover moussaka from yesterday. It was cold but it was even tastier than the day before!
+ 3 blender waffles with powdered sugar and coconut juice

20221002_110825.jpg 20221002_111907.jpg

My current blender waffle recipe. Blend together:
2 cups almond milk, 1 tbsp ground flax seeds, 6 tbsps flour, 4 tbsps rolled oats, 5 dates, 1 tsp salt, 1 tbsp baking powder

Improvised plant-based lasagna + grape juice


I had some lasagna sheets and I wanted to use them up. Plus, it’s Sunday and that's a great excuse to make something special. I made the mince using TVP and canned lentils and a ton of tomato sauce. The bechamel sauce was exactly the same as I used for the moussaka yesterday plus some nutritional yeast. Oh and I also had some Vegan cheese in the fridge so I layered that in too. It ended up being too salty but delicious nonetheless.

Looking at my meals today… :confused: I am seriously lacking in the veggie department. I’ll have to make up for it tomorrow!

:x: No evening workout
:v: 20 Minutes sauna

I am trying to do sauna at least 3 times a week (or every other day). It’s hard. I may have to start breaking it up with cold showers so I can do it longer. I sleep so well afterwards, though, it’s great.

This is the end of the day for me.
I hope you all had a great weekend! Hugs!

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Shieldmaiden from Greece
Posts: 685
"Trust The Awesomeness"
:v: Morning Workout
20 minute run
: meh pace but Ill take it.
mandatory ab work: 5 minute multiplank
2 minutes elbow plank
1 minute side elbow plank
1 minute side elbow plank
30 seconds raised leg elbow plank
30 seconds raised leg elbow plank

Leftover lasagna from yesterday + coconut juice
Frozen strawberries with yogurt and vanilla protein powder for dessert


Cauliflower steaks, rice, green beans with hot relish + coconut juice


:v: Evening Workout
16 barbell reverse lunges
8 barbell calf raises
x 5 sets

It’s been a long day. It's been a good day.

Overall I am happy with everything I managed to achieve today. I started working at 9AM and, apart from two breaks for food and the evening walk with my dogs, I pretty much worked until 8PM. I try to avoid working after dinner these days because my body started falling apart after 15 years of this kind of lifestyle... So now I go to bed early, listen to audiobooks, relax and generally schedule time off. I still don’t do weekends or holidays… but the kinder schedule is already mending me physically and mentally.

Here is a picture of Ollie chewing my fingers helping me today. No, he is not smarter than he looks. Yes, that’s a kitchen table.


I hope you all had a great Monday! See you tomorrow!

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Well-known member
Sorceress from Germany
Posts: 315
"Building good habits"
I try to avoid working after dinner these days because my body started falling apart after 15 years of this kind of lifestyle... So now I go to bed early, listen to audiobooks, relax and generally schedule time off. I still don’t do weekends or holidays… but the kinder schedule is already mending me physically and mentally.

Huh, that sounds pretty familiar! Between insomnia and being slow to start (tasks / my day) but then tenacious, the overall vibe is to work until I am physically incapable of doing more. Or read, or game, or whatever it is I've sunk my teeth into that day.

Today, I finished my tasks and it's not even 7pm? What do I do with that. I don't understand.


Well-known member
Posts: 50


Shieldmaiden from Greece
Posts: 685
"Trust The Awesomeness"
:v: Morning Workout
20 minute run
: slow pace but I made it
mandatory ab work:
50 flutter kicks
10 back extensions
X 5 sets

Potato cucumber salad with smoked tofu and avocado sauce + coconut juice


Roasted butternut squash and broccoli, air-fried tempeh and rice, taco sauce and cashews
toasted tortillas + coconut juice


:x: No Evening Workout
:v: 20 minutes sauna
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Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
It's been a while since I've seen your delicious foodstuffs... ah, and the other stuffs on your check-in thread... yeah, that matters, too... HAHAHA! Seriously, just wanted to stop in and say that I have noticed the void of your absence in my life.
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Shieldmaiden from Greece
Posts: 685
"Trust The Awesomeness"
My summary for December: too much work, too many cookies :boned: ahahahaha

I am doing really well overall actually. I struggled with my ED quite a bit in the beginning of the month but I am in a really, really good place right now. You have to count all the good days, especially the good days. Surprisingly, I am actually looking forward to 2023 despite the fact that it's very clear it's going to be a hard year in every respect. I am ready for it, though, I have a hammer and everything is a nail :LOL: I got dis.

My training in general is about the same. I am consistently training twice a day: cardio in the morning and strength training in the evening ~ 12hrs apart. I train before breakfast after a strong espresso and walking my dogs. I picked up a couple of new habits I am currently integrating into my life. I am now using a massage gun for 15 minutes every morning after I wake up (full body massage). After two weeks it made a huge difference. No more pain. Of any kind. OMG, yes.

Another thing I am now adding to my morning training is hanging on the bars. I only do it for 1 minute but I make sure I completely relax my body and feel all of the tendons stretching. Another big YES.

My daily ab-work is going well. I am not 100% consistent right now since my cardio is more erratic than I would like atthemo. My gift for Christmas this year was a semi-permanent eye-liner makeup. It's a tattoo. On your face. On your eyes. I have always found it really difficult to girl so I do everything in my power to do as little of it as possible while still being able to look in the mirror without shuddering. Aaaand the verdict is... I LOVE IT. I don't know what it'll look like in a month yet but so far it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. The only issue right now is that I can't sweat until everything heals so I swapped my running for walking. Once it all sets, though, I won't have to worry about looking like a wraith all of the time because I can't be bothered with makeup.

I am still eating two main meals a day. The only thing I am cutting back on right now is bread and sweets to rehab from the holidays. So my breakfasts are more: protein + salads + smoothies - and my dinners are vegetable casseroles with vegan cheese or cauliflower steaks in batter. It's already making a massive difference in how I look and feel and it's only been a week so I am excited. I also added a small mandatory 2PM snack to my day to prevent binge eating or any food related anxiety throughout the day. It's working so far. I make a small bowl of dried fruit (apricots, dates, figs or dried bananas) and nuts (walnuts, cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, coconut). I also sometimes add candied ginger, 99% black chocolate or licorice to spice things up.

I watch trash TV shows on Netflix and listen to a ton of questionable quality audiobooks before bed to relax. My life is boring but I love it and I wouldn't change a thing. I'll try to update my log here whenever I can because I love reading everyone else's updates and although I don't have anything exciting to share, journaling and sharing how I am doing and feeling is definitely cathartic.

Thank you for being here and for reading!



Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 4,011
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
My life is boring but I love it and I wouldn't change a thing.
This sentence made me think, I could easily have said it myself :LOL:
I like my little habits, I like to optimize them and even change them a little to improve them but I love all those little things that make my day full of little things that I appreciate and enjoy :)


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 297
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
Happy new year

And boring lives are the best!


Shieldmaiden from Greece
Posts: 685
"Trust The Awesomeness"
Happy New Year, everyone!!!
I went for a run outside this morning, then had breakfast ~ 11AM, collapsed on the sofa with the doggos for like 2 hours and listened to the next installment of the Defiance of The Fall. I've got cauliflower steaks in batter in the oven for tonight and I am thinking of watching the Glass Onion later if I have time before my evening training sessions. It's shaping up to be a proper day off :LOL:




Have a great 1st of the year, bees!!!!



Shieldmaiden from Greece
Posts: 685
"Trust The Awesomeness"
:v: 45 minutes treadmill walk + 5 sets of 10 knee tucks during

I've got a new breakfast pattern I'm trying out: large salad + protein + smoothie. I check what I have in the fridge and then take it from there. Today it was a cabbage, carrot and cucumber salad with balsamic vinegar and seeds (sunflower, pumpkin and hemp). I air fried tofu and made a smoothie with beetroot, apple and soy milk (+protein powder and creatine). Vits: calcium & B12


3PM snack: nuts and dried fruit
OMG banana chips. I just discovered banana chips!!!!!!!!


Eggplant, zucchini & kidney bean casserole with vegan white cheese.

:v: PM
