Stronger everyday


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 586
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Wow, thank you for all the well wishes @TopNotch @Fremen @Haleth from your side of the globe! How's 2023 over there? Still marinating in 2022 over here :)

Day #59

I'm having a heck of a time with the Dead Hang Challenge - after a minute I really struggle. Hope I can level up soon!
Happy 2023 to all you bees out there! :fireworks:


Well-known member
Commando from Alberta
Posts: 586
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Day #60 (badge!)
Classic Warmup
Hero's JourneyDay 43, Points: 300 ➡ 9850
1000 Push-Ups Challenge
Day 23​
Flex Hang ChallengeDay 23
Dead Hang ChallengeDay 23
Classic Daily Bible Reading PlanDay 8/366

*I neglected to share that the jumps on yesterday's journey were quite the gauntlet. Jumps are hard!

First day of 2023. Very exciting. Off to a good start on some new habits; trying to use reading as a replacement for screen time. With a good book, it's not all that hard. I've got so many little (ok, not so little) creative projects in my head; can be very tricky to break them up into achievable steps... but I'm quite positive that is the path that leads to progress. My wife and I are trying to reduce our family's screen time and I think another way I can do it is by using A LOT more pen-and-paper to plan out what it is I want to do on the computer, if that makes sense.

Daily progress on creative projects is currently my most difficult challenge. Planning, creating a project path (guard rails), and deadlines are the best ideas I have but something is missing to tie them all together. Perhaps working on my Why? would help. I think my expectations of what progress is are also too high and tend to diminish real gains.

"The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can see." -Winston Churchill

I'm quite pleased with my current level of daily exercise and see no significant risk of falling off-track; it's habitual and no longer requires much of a choice. Variety is definitely key for me. After I've completed the journey I've got plans to continue pull-up development, make progress on Darebee Vol.4, and probably tackle one of the Iron programs? I'm kind of eager to try adding weights for something new.

Towards your greatest year yet bees! 🥂😀


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 586
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
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Well-known member
Commando from Alberta
Posts: 586
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Day #62

Classic Warmup
Hero's JourneyDay 45, Points: 200 ➡ 10150
1000 Push-Ups ChallengeDay 25
Flex Hang ChallengeDay 25
Dead Hang ChallengeDay 25
Classic Daily Bible Reading PlanDay 10/366

I could not handle the side planks today. Failing all over the place, but I kept coming back. Speaking of failing - dead hangs! I've got to adjust my form or something, really struggling. I find flex hangs a lot easier even though more muscles are engaged. Developed a kink in my neck yesterday somehow, hoping it heals itself. Have a great one bees! 😀☕


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 586
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"


Well-known member
Commando from Alberta
Posts: 586
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Day #64

Classic Warmup
Hero's JourneyDay 47, Level 2, Points: 200 ➡ 10850
1000 Push-Ups ChallengeDay 27
Flex Hang ChallengeDay 27
Dead Hang Challenge💥
Classic Daily Bible Reading PlanDay 12/366

Bees, I need help with dead hangs. I don't know if it's my grip strength, or my forearms, or what - but I'll need to do some sort of training to complete the dead hang challenge. The last two hangs of up to 1min40s were just undoable for me. Not even close. So I'll have to take an L on that challenge in hopes of completing it another day. Any guidance is welcome! :)


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Scout from WNY
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The best workouts that helped my hands and forearms was Katana Week. You can find it on YouTube with video descriptions.

Otherwise, I've found dead hangs to work my shoulders and core. You could try strengthening those and see if that helps.

Best of luck!


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 586
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"


Well-known member
Commando from Alberta
Posts: 586
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Day #71

Classic Warmup
Hero's JourneyDay 54, Points: 300 ➡ 12200
2000 Push-ups ChallengeDay 4
Negative Pull-up ChallengeDay 4
Power Grip ChallengeDay 4
Classic Daily Bible Reading PlanDay 19/366
Exodus 90Day 4/90

I'm starting to wonder if my hamstrings will ever not be sore? 😂 Not sure what the trouble is. I couldn't conceive a way to do army-crawls this morning and not become totally filthy, so I replaced it with fast mountain-climbers.

An opportunity has arisen to take on an abstinence challenge with some friends so I'm cautiously starting. It will require a lot of daily adjustments and eat up a significant amount of free time, so I'm concerned, yet excited to be challenged. I plan on setting aside time today to journal and determine for myself what I'm willing to commit to and what I'm not willing to commit to. I've found there can be a fine line between attempting to evolve into a better version of yourself, and self-betrayal. It's fine to try and grow as a person, but surrendering your mind and your thinking in the process, I think, sets our soul on a path of revolt and rebellion that manifests as self-sabotage. Something I need to pray about (and prayers are welcome!).

Have a great one bees! 😀☕


Well-known member
Commando from Alberta
Posts: 586
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Day #72

Classic Warmup
Hero's JourneyDay 55, Points: 200 ➡ 12400
2000 Push-ups ChallengeDay 5
Negative Pull-up ChallengeDay 5
Power Grip ChallengeDay 5
Classic Daily Bible Reading PlanDay 20/366
Exodus 90Day 5/90
@Laura Rainbow Dragon Birthday Gift52 flutter-kicks!

Thank you for all the supportive responses ❤ Part of my abstinence challenge is avoiding entertainment altogether and this is hard! I am trying to use the time to journal, make progress on creative projects, read more, and exercise more. Plus I was having so much fun lately playing the ol' FPS game DOOM 😂 Gah! Well, I'll try imagining I'm knee-striking nightmare imps and flutter-kicking hell knights in my workouts from now on 💪